Type of Article: Editorial
Volume 8; Issue 3 (June 2020)
Page No.: 3444
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr
Physiotherapy Practice following COVID 19 pandemic!
Srikanth Babu Venga.
Life after COVID-19 pandemic is not going to be the same, this is a challenging time for many Physiotherapists and other Health care providers. According to World Health Organization (WHO) COVID-19 has led to a Global Pandemic that infected over 6.6 million people worldwide as of 6th June 2020. Many practitioners are facing challenges and economic constraints due to lockdown implemented in many countries. Globally as the situation reaching a plateau and more professionals are returning to work, this is the time for us to be more cautious while attending our clients. As a first line practitioners, Physiotherapists have a high chance of direct contact with the patients that are infected with corona virus. That’s why it is very important for us to be familiar with COVID 19 and ways to prevent its transmission, more updates can get from the World Health organization COVID-19 Technical guidance on infection prevention and control.
Wearing disposable personal protection equipment, which should be changed between patients, attending the patients by appointment after carefully screening them, facilitating social distancing by decreasing the number of patients and therapists in the same physical space, and moving towards digital physiotherapy to assess and guide the patients while performing exercises are some of the practices that may be adopted to reduce the risk of transmission of infection With this movement restriction, Tele-Rehabilitation and Digital Physiotherapy Practice is becoming more popular which is also getting more recognition and acceptance from the regulatory bodies and insurance companies. Virtual care may be a good option for clients who are not feeling well, as it can ensure that the patients can still receive treatment while also keeping others safe.
A joint digital physical therapy practice task force of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) and the International Network of Physiotherapy Regulatory Authorities (INPTRA) was convened in 2017 to develop key recommendations for global practice and regulation, resulting in a white paper approved by the WCPT and INPTRA boards on March 18, 2020. The task force defined digital physical therapist practice as health care services, support, and information provided remotely via digital communication and devices.
World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) is providing a hub called as COVIDPhysio registry to support the global profession. Through this, WCPT registers the Physiotherapy related work in progress in response to COVID 19 pandemic. It includes projects such as guidelines, policy statements, campaigns, online continuing professional development, and research.
Let us start our work with more energy and with all necessary precautions and protocols for the wellbeing of our clients and loved ones!
Editor in Chief