Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 8; Issue 3 (June 2020)
Page No.: 3499-3503
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2020.137
Akhila Nair *, Anagha Palkar, Priyanka Honkalas.
DPO’s Nett College Of Physiotherapy, Kolshet Road, Opposite Everest World, Thane (w), Maharashtra, India.
Corresponding Author: Dr. Akhila Nair, DPO’s Nett College Of Physiotherapy, Kolshet Road, Opposite Everest World, Thane (w), Maharashtra, India. E-Mail: nairakhila23@gmail.com
Background: Chefs exposed to cooking fumes are at risk due to the toxic products that are produced during cooking. Studies have shown that exposure to cooking fumes decreases lung capacities, affects breathing and cause other respiratory diseases. Yoga strengthens the respiratory musculature due to which chest and lungs inflate & deflate to fullest possible extent & muscles are made to work to maximal extent. Pranayama makes efficient use of abdominal & diaphragmatic muscles and improves the respiratory apparatus.
Aim: The present study was done to determine the effect of Yoga & Pranayama on chest expansion & breath holding time in chefs exposed to cooking fumes.
Methods: In this experimental study 30 chefs exposed to cooking fumes who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria using Medical research council questionnaire for respiratory symptoms were selected for yoga and pranayama program for 6 weeks, 3 sessions per week for 45 minutes. Pre and post respiratory functions were assessed by measuring chest expansion and breath holding time. Stastical analysis was done by using Wilcoxan test to compare the pre & post chest expansion. Paired t test was used to compare the pre & post breath holding time.
Results: There was significant increase in chest expansion and breath holding time compared to pre yoga and pranayama practice.
Conclusion: This study showed that there is significant effect of yoga and pranayama on chest expansion & breath holding on chefs.
Key words: Chefs, cooking fumes, yoga, pranayama, chest expansion, breath holding time.
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