
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 8; Issue 3 (June 2020)

Page No.: 3462-3470

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2020.130


R.Vinodh Rajkumar.

Physiotherapist & Anthropologist, Director – Prabhanjeet Fitness Research Institute OPC Private Limited, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

Corresponding Author: R.Vinodh Rajkumar, Physiotherapist & Anthropologist, Director – Prabhanjeet Fitness Research Institute OPC Private Limited, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. E-Mail: dreamofkalam@rediffmail.com


Introduction: Singe leg balance (SLB) is a key neuro-biomechanical asset of several fundamental and advanced closed kinetic chain activities of lower limbs. From the perspectives of healthy ageing and fall prevention strategies, there is a compelling need to explore and devise a safe and effective SLB assessment tool to incorporate in multifactorial health evaluations and gerontological education.

Methodology: About twenty dynamic SLB exercise techniques were opted and used as assessment techniques to build a dynamic SLB assessment scale.

Results: As a preliminary testing, when this assessment scale was applied on non-athlete individuals in the age group of 35 to 50 years old, nine men (Mean body weight = 79 Kg, Mean fat percentage = 32) and five women (Mean body weight = 65 Kg, Mean fat percentage = 36), who have been exercising two to three days per week under the supervision of exercise professional, they displayed excellent SLB in almost all the techniques.

Conclusion: It is prudent to utilize this dynamic SLB assessment scale not only to diagnose and quantify SLB performance but also to motivate the individuals by giving the highest rating even if the individuals display precise SLB only after multiple trials and errors. Numerous such simple, inexpensive and non-invasive diagnostic tools are needed in the health education and health care system.

Key words: Single leg balance, Ageing, Falls among the elderly, Physical Therapy, Geriatrics, Gerontology.


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Cite this article: R.Vinodh Rajkumar. QUANTIFYING THE SINGLE LEG BALANCE USING MULTIPLE DYNAMIC POSTURES ON STABLE SURFACE. Int J Physiother Res 2020;8(3):3462-3470. DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2020.130