
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 7; Issue 3 (June 2019)

Page No.: 3085-3089

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2019.126


Bhakti Desai *1, Bhut Foram 2, Vora Shreeya 2, Grishma Maru 2, Kuldeep Nagvadiya 2, S. Bansi Parsaniya 2.

*1 PT in Neurological condition, Assistance Professor at Shri K.K. Sheth  Physiotherapy College, Rajkot.   

2 Final year student of RK university, School Of Physiotherapy.

Corresponding author:  Dr. Bhakti Desai, PT Assistance Professor at Shri K.K.Sheth   Physiotherapy College – Rajkot, Gujarat, India. E-Mail: bhaktidesai99@gmail.com


Background: Tightness of hamstring is observed in a majority of the students. long duration sitting can be a contributory factor in hamstring tightness. Shortening of the hamstring has a negative impact on the posture of the pelvic region. The increase in stiffness of the hamstring may serve as a cause of low back pain and it is also a common characteristic of back pain patients. The increase in stiffness of the hamstring produces more burdens on the back and causes improper motion patterns in the lumbo-pelvic region.

Methodology: For the study Total number of 30 subjects were randomly taken from The School of Physiotherapy at R.K.University  and assigned to either group -A [suboccipital inhibition] or group-B [retro -walking (backward walking)] and there was given a treatment for 5 day with one session per day.

Result: Data was analyzed by using SPSS software. For evaluation paired and unpaired T test used for analysis.

Conclusion: It can conclude that has both techniques where improve hamstring muscles flexibility suboccipital muscles inhibition technique is more effective than the retro walking technique.

KEY WORDS: Retro Walking (Backward Walking), Hamstring Flexibility, Suboccipital Muscle Inhibition, Hamstring Tightness.


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Cite this article: Bhakti Desai, Bhut Foram, Vora Shreeya, Grishma Maru, Kuldeep Nagvadiya, S. Bansi Parsaniya. A STUDY TO COMPARE RETRO-WALKING (BACKWARD WALKING) AND SUBOCCIPITAL MUSCLE INHIBITION TECHNIQUE IN HAMSTRING MUSCLE FLEXIBILITY IN COLLEGIATE STUDENTS: AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY. Int J Physiother Res 2019;7(3):3089-3085. DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2019.126