Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 11; Issue 3 (June 2023)
Page No.: 4524-4530
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2023.124
Effect of Plyometric Exercises Versus Speed Agility Quickness Training on Agility, Speed, Power, Dynamic Balance, and Reaction Time in Amateur Badminton Players
Walankar Prachita P 1, Shetty Josheeta *2.
1 Associate Professor, MGM College of Physiotherapy, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
*2 MGM College of Physiotherapy, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Corresponding Author: Josheeta Shetty, Mahatma Gandhi Mission’s College of Physiotherapy, Plot No. 46, Sector-30, Vashi, Navi Mumbai-400705.
Phone number: 8369792821 E-Mail: josheetas@gmail.com
Background: Badminton being one of the most popular and fastest racket sport, demands the players to have different skills and fitness level in-order to excel. Skills like power, agility, speed, dynamic balance and reaction time are few of them.
Aim: This study aims to compare the effect of plyometric exercises versus speed agility quickness (SAQ) training on agility, speed, power, dynamic balance and reaction time in badminton players.
Methods: An experimental study was conducted in 36 amateur badminton player who were divided in 3 groups with 12 participants in each – Plyometric training group, SAQ training group and control group. All received intervention for 6 weeks. The outcome measures used were a) agility- Illinois agility test, b) speed- 30 meters’ sprint test, c) power- vertical jump test, d) dynamic balance- modified star excursion balance test and e) Reaction time- simple visual reaction time task.
Statistical analysis: Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software, version 24. Paired t test was used to compare pre-post differences in each group. Intergroup comparison was evaluated using ANOVA test.
Results: Plyometric group showed a significant improvement in the agility, speed, power, posterolateral and posteromedial directions in modified star excursion balance test and reaction time using paired t test. Speed Agility Quickness group revealed significant difference in speed, agility, all three directions in modified star excursion balance test. In control group, significant improvement was seen only in anterior and posteromedial directions in modified star excursion balance test. There was significant difference between the groups in agility, power and speed using ANOVA test. Further post hoc analysis revealed that plyometric and SAQ group showed no statistically significant difference when compared with each other except for power which showed more improvement in the plyometric group.
Conclusion: Both plyometric and SAQ training were equally effective in improving speed and agility in badminton players. Power was seen to be improved more in plyometric group. Hence, these training protocols can be used as evidence-based approach to improve skills in badminton players for optimal performance.
Keywords: plyometric, SAQ, badminton players, power, agility, speed, dynamic balance, reaction time.
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