
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 11; Issue 4 (August 2023)

Page No.: 4552-4555

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2023.114

Reliability of Sachse’s mobility criteria in individuals of age 18-24 years

Sharayu Raybole *1, Namrata Bhadbhade *2.

*1 MPT student, Musculoskeletal physiotherapy, DES Brijlal Jindal College of Physiotherapy, Pune, India.

*2 Assistant professor, Musculoskeletal physiotherapy, DES Brijlal Jindal College of Physiotherapy, Pune, India.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Namrata Bhadbhade. Assistant professor, Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, DES Brijlal Jindal College of Physiotherapy, Pune, India. E-Mail: namratasidhaye.physio@gmail.com


Background: The ability to obtain an efficient yet reliable measurement of mobility can be useful for evaluation as well as for documentation. The physiotherapists use different tools to assess each and every joints mobility. In the clinical setting assessing each joint is time consuming. Sachse’s mobility criteria is the mobility assessment tool which assess all major joints of body. It is an easy and quick to perform diagnostic tool. Hence, this study is intended to estimate reliability of Sachse’s mobility criteria in individuals of age 18-24 years as reliability is the prerequisite for validity.

Objectives: To estimate the intra-rater and inter-rater reliability of Sachse’s mobility criteria in individuals of age 18-24 years.

Methodology: 92 participants were selected according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. Anatomical landmarks were marked by the both the examiners and removed after each assessment. Examiner 1 assessed the participant and after the interval of 30 minutes examiner 2 assessed the same participant. Examiner 1 repeated the assessment after 7 days of 1st assessment to avoid recall bias. Data analysis done and interpretations were made.

Results: Sachse’s mobility criteria showed good to excellent intra-rater and inter-rater reliability ICC= 0.904 and 0.853 respectively.

Conclusion: Sachse’s mobility criteria showed good to excellent intra-rater and inter-rater reliability in individuals of age 18-24 years.

Key words: Mobility, hypomobility, hypermobility.


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Cite this article: Sharayu Raybole, Namrata Bhadbhade. Reliability of Sachse’s mobility criteria in individuals of age 18-24 years. Int J Physiother Res 2023;11(4):4552-4555. DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2023.114