Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 10; Issue 5 (October 2022)
Page No.: 4382-4388
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2022.159
Effect of MFR Technique Versus Static Stretching on Pain Among Adults with Plantar Fasciitis
Suvinlal Stalin Russel *, Sahu Deepali Nilanchal, RahulKrishnan, Priya Kesar.
Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, MAHSA University, Malaysia.
Address for Correspondence: uvinlal Stalin Russel, Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, MAHSA University, Jln SP 2, Bandar Saujana Putra, 42610 Jenjarom, Selangor, Malaysia. E-Mail: suvinlal@mahsa.edu.my
Suvinlal Stalin Russel: 0000-0002-9290-4327
Rahul Krishnan Kutty: 0000-0001-7819-6005
Priya Kesar: 0000-0003-2315-446X
Background: Disorder of plantar fascia caused from overuse, excessive overload or prolonged standing time is called plantar fasciitis. Conservative treatment is a primary choice of treatment for plantar fasciitis and physiotherapist play a vital role. Interventions such as ultrasound, soft tissue massage, orthotics, taping, hot pack, cold pack, stretching and strengthening exercises are used by physiotherapists for treatment of this condition.
Objectives: This study is aimed to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of myofascial release technique and static stretching of plantar fascia, on pain among adults with plantar fasciitis.
Methods: All the subjects were screened as per the inclusion & exclusion criteria. After getting their written consent, a total of 42 plantar fasciitis patients with mean age of 28 years were included in the study. They were randomly allocated into two groups with n= 21 in each group. Group A was given Myofascial Release Technique whereas Group B was given Static Stretching on the affected plantar fascia. The interventions were carried out for twice a week for two weeks. Visual Analogue Scale was used as the outcome measure and it was measured pre- and post-intervention at baseline during week one and at the end of treatment at week two.
Results: The study demonstrated statistically significant difference between pre-treatment and post-treatment visual analogue scale scores, in both groups: MFR (p < .0001) and Static Stretching (p < .0011).
Conclusion: Both MFR as well as static stretching are effective in reducing pain in plantar fasciitis patients.
Key words: Plantar Fasciitis, Static Stretching, Myofascial Release, Pain, Visual Analogue Scale.
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