Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 9; Issue 8 (December 2021)
Page No.: 4045-4050
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2021.188
Inter and Intra Rater Reliability of Different Measurement Techniques of Weight Bearing Ankle Dorsiflexion Range of Motion
Aayushi Rathi *1, Priya Sahasrabuddhe 2.
*1 Clinical Physiotherapist in LH Hiranandani Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
2 Assistant Professor, Smt Kashibai Navale College of Physiotherapy, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Corresponding Author: Dr Aayushi Rathi, Clinical Physiotherapist in LH Hiranandani Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. E-Mail: aayushirathi1511@gmail.com
Background: Measurement of range of motion is a crucial parameter in the physiotherapeutic evaluation and follow up. Ankle dorsiflexion is important for functional activities like running, jogging, waking, stair climbing. Restricted ankle dorsiflexion is seen in various lower limb injuries. Therefore, assessment of dorsiflexion is important to assess function. Goniometer, tape measure, mobile goniometer, inclinometer is used to measure ankle dorsiflexion range of motion in weight bearing and non-weight bearing positions. Weight bearing dorsiflexion has reported higher intra and inter-rater reliability as compared to non-weight bearing ankle dorsiflexion. All these measures may be taken by the same and by different therapists in the management of one patient. Therefore, it is necessary to determine if the measurements used are reliable both within and between the therapists.
Material and Methods: 50 healthy subjects were recruited and their role was explained in the study. Written consent was taken from all the subjects. Weight bearing lunge was done in which the subject was asked to stand with the heel in contact with the ground and the great toe 10 cm away from the wall and the knee touching the wall. Inclinometer, standard goniometer, mobile goniometer and tape measure were administered to check for ankle dorsifexion range of motion.
Results: ICC for inter rater reliability was almost perfect for tape measure and goniometer (0.968 and 0.837 respectively) and it was substantial for inclinometer and mobile goniometer (0.746 and 0.796 respectively). ICC for intra rater reliability was almost perfect for tape measure, inclinometer and goniometer (0.965,0.894 and 0.837 respectively) and it was substantial for mobile goniometer (0.802).
Conclusion: The inter-rater reliability of tape measure, goniometer is almost perfect and for mobile goniometer, inclinometer is substantial. The intra rater reliability of tape measure, inclinometer, goniometer is almost perfect and mobile goniometer is substantial.
Key words: Dorsiflexion, Mobile goniometer, Tape measure, Goniometer, Inclinometer, Reliability.
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