Type of Article: Case Report
Volume 9; Issue 5 (October 2021)
Page No.: 4040-4043
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2021.187
Effect of Matrix Rhythm Therapy in Venous Ulcer Healing: A case report
Harish Kumar Rajendran.
Physiotherapist, Head of the department, Sai Healthcare Foundation, Chennai- 600 004, India.
Address for Correspondence: Harish Kumar Rajendran, Physiotherapist, Head of the department, Sai Healthcare Foundation, Old No 24, New No 49, East Abiramapuram 3rd Street, Mylapore, Chennai- 600 004, India. E-Mail: luzphysio@gmail.com
Introduction: Venous Ulcers are due to abnormal vein function. People may inherit a tendency for abnormal vein. Common causes of damaged veins include blood clots, injury, ageing and obesity. This is one of the common problems for professionals who are standing by nature. Symptoms include swelling, aching and tiredness in the legs. Usually a red, irritated skin rash develops into a open wound. Matrix Rhythm Therapy (MaRhyThe) is a recent clinical modality, which works on cell biology and gives good results in pain management and restriction of movements.
intervention: Matrix Rhythm Therapy was applied on posterior aspect of leg region extending around the wound are once a week for 8 weeks with treatment duration of 60 minutes.
Result: Pain of the subject after 8 session was 0 at rest and 2 while walking on the basis of VAS. Wound size is length 8 cm and breadth 7 cm and 2 mm dept and categorized as Type A grade 1 which completely healed with healthy scar. The photographic evidence is suggestive considerable healing of venous ulcers are noted between each session of matrix rhythm therapy (MaRhyThe).
Conclusion: Study concludes that Matrix rhythm therapy (MaRhyThe) could be considered as adjunct in wound healing of venous ulcers.
Key words: Matrix rhythm Therapy, Venous ulcers.
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