Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 9; Issue 5 (October 2021)
Page No.: 4013-4018
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2021.176
Co-relation of functional mobility with anxiety in traumatic below knee amputees
Lavanya R Ayyer *1, Asmita C Moharkar 2.
*1 Assistant Professor, LSFPEF College Of Physiotherapy, Nigdi, Pune, India.
2 Associate Professor & HOD of Electrotherapy Department, P.E.S. Modern College Of Physiotherapy, Shivaji Nagar, Pune, India.
Address for Correspondence: Dr. Lavanya R Ayyer (PT), Assistant Professor, LSFPEF College Of Physiotherapy, Nigdi, Pune – 411044, India. E-Mail: lavanya.ayyer@gmail.com
Background: Amputation is defined as the surgical removal of one or more parts of the body. It causes great stress to the physical and mental wellbeing of an individual. The incidence of lower limb amputation is greater as compared to upper limb amputation. Also lower limb amputees experience more restricted mobility than upper limb amputee patients. Rehabilitation is an important to the recovery of an amputee. In cases of planned amputation, rehabilitation starts before the surgery. It involves physiotherapy, occupational therapy and recreational training. There is little to no studies on the co-relation of anxiety with functional mobility in amputees. This study focusses on the same.
Context and purpose: Amputation causes restricted mobility and decreased quality of life. A study on the relation between anxiety and mobility will indicate a different outlook of a holistic approach while treating mobility issues in below knee amputees.
Materials and methods: This is a one group co-relational study design. Study was conducted after taking approval from the institutional ethics committee and all the subjects gave their written informed consent. The study was conducted at Yashwantrao Chavan Memorial Hospital, Pune.
Result: Statistical analysis of the data was done using the Pearson’s co-relation co-efficient and a co-relation was found between anxiety and functional mobility in below knee amputee patients.
Conclusion: There is a co-relation between functional mobility and anxiety. Patients with anxiety showed a reduced performance on the functional mobility scale than the patients without anxiety.
KEY WORDS: Amputation, Anxiety, below knee amputation, functional mobility, rehabilitation.
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