Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 9; Issue 5 (October 2021)
Page No.: 4008-4012
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2021.175
Effect of thrower’s ten exercise program on scapular dyskinesia and throwing accuracy in cricket bowlers
Ketki Ponde Ponkshe *1, Ronika Agrawal 2, Fatema Rampurwala 3, Alfaiz Tamboli 4.
*1 Associate Professor M.A.Rangoonwala College of Physiotherapy and Research, Pune, India.
2 Principal and Professor M.A.Rangoonwala College of Physiotherapy and Research, Pune, India.
3 Intern M.A. Rangoonwala College of Physiotherapy and Research, Pune, India.
4 Intern M.A. Rangoonwala College of Physiotherapy and Research, Pune, India.
Corresponding Author: Dr. Ketki Ponde Ponkshe (PT), Associate Professor, M.A. Rangoonwala College of Physiotherapy and Research, Pune, India. Phone no: 9890993197 E-Mail: drketki85@gmail.com
Background: 19.8–34.1% of Upper limb injuries are recorded of total injuries in cricket. Shoulder joint is the most affected joint in bowlers. Inadequate force generation due to improper position of scapula and less strength of shoulder muscle might affect the performance of the players. So the objectives of the study was to see the effect of Thrower’s Ten Exercise Program on scapular dyskinesia and throwing accuracy .
Methodology: 30 cricket bowlers (district and state level) with scapular dyskinesia were selected. Pre and post evaluation for scapular dyskinesia and Functional Throwing Performance Index (FTPI) was done post intervention. The intervention was carried out for 6 weeks .
Results: There was significant improvement seen in scapular dyskinesia (p=0.0001) and in throwing accuracy (p=0.0002).
Conclusion: This study concludes that the Thrower’s Ten Exercise Program when given for a period of 3dyas for 6 weeks showed highly significant improvement in scapular dyskinesia and throwing accuracy.
Key words: Scapular Dyskinesia, Cricket Bowlers, Throwing Accuracy, Thrower’s ten program.
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