Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 9; Issue 4 (August 2021)
Page No.: 3944-3948
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2021.154
Effect of Scapular Retraction Exercise on Shoulder Alignment, Pulmonary Function and Aerobic Capacity in Subjects with Forward Shoulder Posture
Reethu Elsa *1, Jesmi John. A 2, Mohammed Shafeeq Kp 3, Sivani.U. A. 4, Remya. N 5, Manju Unnikrishnan 6.
*1 Assistant Professor, Department Of Physiotherapy, Little Flower Institute of Medical Science and Research Centre, Angamaly, Kerala, India.
2,3,4 Student, Department Of Physiotherapy, Little Flower Institute of Medical Science and Research Centre, Angamaly, Kerala, India.
5,6 Professor, Department Of Physiotherapy, Little Flower Institute of Medical Science and Research Centre, Angamaly, Kerala, India.
Corresponding author: Reethu Elsa, Assistant Professor, Little Flower Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Ernakulam, Kerala, India. E-Mail: reethuelsa@yahoo.com
Background: Forward shoulder posture is identified when the acromion process is most anteriorly positioned when compared with the position of mastoid process, which is characterized by acromion protraction infront of the line of gravity as well as protraction, downward rotation and anterior tilt of scapula. It is one of the common postural abnormality that accounts for 60% of shoulder abnormalities, with an incidence of 75% in the right side and 66% in left side. The study aims to find the effect of scapular retraction exercises on shoulder alignment, pulmonary function and aerobic capacity in subjects with forward shoulder posture.
Methods: The study was conducted on 14 subjects with FSP within the age group of 18 to 25. Scapular retraction exercises were given to the subjects for a duration of 3 weeks. Pre and post test values of scapular index, chest expansion, incentive spirometry and six minute walk test was taken.
Results: Subjects showed statistically significant differences with a mean difference of 0.7(cm) for scapular index right, 0.68(cm) for scapular index left, 0.59(cm) for upper chest expansion, 1.21(secs) for inspiratory hold time using incentive spirometry and 6.79(m) for aerobic capacity (p<0.05, CI =95%). Pre and post mean scores of scapular index, chest expansion, inspiratory hold time and 6 minute walk test reveals that scapular retraction exercises has a positive impact on improving shoulder alignment, pulmonary function, and aerobic capacity
Conclusion: Scapular retraction exercises is effective in improving shoulder alignment, pulmonary function and aerobic capacity in subjects with Forward shoulder posture
KEY WORDS: Forward shoulder posture, rounded shoulder, pulmonary function, aerobic capacity, scapular retraction exercises, lung volume.
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