
Type of Article:  Review Article

Volume 9; Issue 4 (July 2021)

Page No.: 3913-3920

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2021.143

Effect of Low-Level Laser Therapy and Manual Exercises on Shoulder Impingement Syndrome: A Systematic Review

Mohamed Hussein El-Gendy 1, Yousra Mohamed Abdulla 2, Ghada Abd Elmonaem Abdalla 3, Mohamed M. Elmeligie *4.

1 Professor and Chairman of Department of Physical Therapy for Basic Sciences, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Egypt.

2 Department of Physical Therapy for Basic Sciences, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Egypt.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Therapy for Basic Sciences, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Egypt.

*4 Lecturer, Department of Physical Therapy for Basic Sciences, Faculty of Physical Therapy, October 6 University, Egypt.

Corresponding Author: Mohamed M. ElMeligie, Lecturer, Department of Physical Therapy for Basic Sciences, Faculty of Physical Therapy, October 6 University, Egypt. E-Mail: Mohamed.magdy.pt@o6u.edu.eg


Background: The aim of this work was to systematically review the influence of low level laser therapy and manual exercises used on the patients with shoulder impingement syndrome.

Methods: Systematic review of all published studies with all research designs except expert opinions. A search was made in Pubmed, Medline, Cochrane library, PEDro and Google scholar; from the earliest date to September 2019.

Intervention: Low level laser therapy and manual exercises programs performed by the physical therapist.

Results: Only 4 studies met the inclusion criteria. Meta-analysis could be done and findings are presented qualitatively due to heterogeneity of the studies. There is no conflicting evidence on whether low level laser therapy and manual exercises can increase the range of movement and decrease pain, for those studies showing improvements in the range of movements.

Conclusion: The current level of evidence support the effectiveness of low level laser therapy and manual exercises in patients with shoulder impingement syndrome remains.

Key Words: Low level laser therapy, Manual exercises, Shoulder impingement syndrome, Systematic Review.


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Cite this article: Mohamed Hussein El-Gendy, Yousra Mohamed Abdulla, Ghada Abd Elmonaem Abdalla, Mohamed M. Elmeligie.  Effect of Low-Level Laser Therapy and Manual Exercises on Shoulder Impingement Syndrome: A Systematic Review. Int J Physiother Res 2021;9(4):3913-3920. DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2021.143