Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 9; Issue 4 (July 2021)
Page No.: 3883-3887
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2021.136
Correlation of Exercise Capacity with Functional Disability in Patients with Osteoarthritis of Knee
Swati V. Kubal 1, Kshitija S. Ghole *2.
1 Assistant Professor, Department of Physiotherapy, P.T. School and Centre, T.N.M.C, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
*2 Department of Physiotherapy, P.T. School and Centre, T.N.M.C, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Corresponding author: Kshitija Santosh Ghole, Department of Physiotherapy, P.T. School and Centre, T.N.M.C, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Mobile no. 8767906586 / 8369040983 E-Mail: kshitighole@gmail.com
Introduction: Osteoarthritis of knee is a progressive joint disease which produces pain, inflammation and destruction of joint which in turn leads to range of motion limitation and walking disabilities. Affection in physical functioning is determined not only by just activities involving lower limb capacity but also by the activities which require use of upper extremities. Hence in this study, 6MWD and no. of rings moved in 6 minutes were taken as an outcome measures for determining the exercise capacity. KOOS is a self-administered questionnaire which was used in its cross culturally adapted format for determining the functional disability in patients.
Objectives: 1. To study correlation of exercise capacity with functional disability in patients with osteoarthritis of knee. 2. To study correlation of upper limb exercise capacity with lower limb exercise capacity in patients with osteoarthritis of knee.
Methods: Cross sectional, observational study including 30 patients of either gender having unilateral osteoarthritis of knee conducted in a tertiary care hospital.
Results: No. of rings moved in 6 minutes and global KOOS score showed no statistically significant correlation. 6MWD and global KOOS score showed no statistically significant correlation. 6 minute walk distance and 6 minute peg board ring test showed no statistically significant correlation.
Conclusion: The study suggests that there is no correlation of exercise capacity with functional disability in patients with osteoarthritis of knee. Also, there is no correlation found between upper limb exercise capacity and lower limb exercise capacity in patients with osteoarthritis of knee.
Key words: Knee osteoarthritis, Knee pain, squat depth, functional disability, cardiorespiratory endurance, Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score, Quality of life.
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