
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 9; Issue 4 (July 2021)

Page No.: 3876-3882

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2021.134

Frequency Of Low Back Pain and Other Associated Musculoskeletal Disorders In City Bus Conductors of Guwahati city, Assam, India

Surajit Roy 1, Ujwal Bhattacharya *2, Kritica Boruah 3, Urvashi Bhattacharya 4.

1 Post Graduate Research Scholar, College of Physiotherapy and Medical Sciences , Guwahati , Assam, India.

*2 Professor cum Dean , Pratiksha Institute of Allied Health Sciences, Guwahati, Assam, India.

3 Physiotherapist, NHM, Chera Talo District Hospital, Koloriang, Arunachal Pradesh, India.

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Physiotherapy, University of Science and Technology Meghalaya, Meghalaya, India.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Ujwal Bhattacharya, PT., PhD, Professor cum Dean, Pratiksha Institute of Allied Health Sciences, Guwahati, Assam, India. E-Mail: ujwalbhatta@gmail.com


Background: Work-related musculoskeletal discomfort, especially low back pain (LBP) leads to substantial economic loss to individuals as well as to the community. Musculoskeletal disorders not only lead to loss of health but also loss of wealth. Bus conductors who are an important population in the community are at an increased risk of developing musculoskeletal symptoms. Their jobs involve prolonged standing and walking inside the bus for whole day which have been identified as risk factors for musculoskeletal discomfort.

Materials and methods: A survey of 100 bus conductors from different bus routes between the age group of  20 to  50 years, having at least 1-year working history and standing for 5 h/day, was conducted in Guwahati city of Assam state. Those with a history of trauma, preexisting medical conditions, or musculoskeletal deformities were excluded. Prevalence of LBP was assessed using Oswestry disability low back Pain Questionnaire, musculoskeletal discomfort was assessed by using Cornell musculoskeletal discomfort questionnaire.   Mean, standard deviation and percentage was calculated for analysis.

Result: The mean for Oswestry disability low back pain score is 23.26 and SD is ±9.8786. According to Oswestry disability LBP interpretation score it falls under 21- 40 percent- moderate disability. CMDQ scoring shows the mean SD is higher in lower back, neck and both the knees. The result of the study shows that bus conductors have a higher susceptibility to the back, neck and knees.

Conclusion: The bus conductors work continuously for long periods and their severe workload results in the development of disability in lower back. The conductors suffer from MSD in different parts of their body, particularly the lower back, neck and both knees, regions which hinders their normal work activities. Thus, it can be concluded that the bus conductors are highly stressed in their occupation due to the hazardous working condition and work behaviour, which also affects their health and overall work performance.

KEY WORDS:  Low back pain, Musculoskeletal disorder, Work related musculoskeletal disorder, Bus conductors, Oswestry disability low back pain questionnaire, Cornell musculoskeletal discomfort questionnaire.


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Cite this article: Surajit Roy, Ujwal Bhattacharya, Kritica Boruah, Urvashi Bhattacharya.  Frequency Of Low Back Pain and Other Associated Musculoskeletal Disorders In City Bus Conductors of Guwahati city, Assam, India. Int J Physiother Res 2021;9(4):3863-3869. DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2021.125