Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 9; Issue 1 (February 2021)
Page No.: 3754-3758
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2020.190
Relationship between BMI and hip muscle strength in young female athletes to prevent lower extremity injury risk: A pilot study
Akshaya M V *, Abhilash P V, Priya S.
Post graduate student from Laxmi memorial College of physiotherapy, Mangalore, Karnataka, India.
Corresponding author: Akshaya M V, Post graduate student from Laxmi memorial College of physiotherapy, Mangalore, Karnataka, India. E-Mail: akshayaa51@gmail.com
Background: Early identification of the BMI and muscle weakness, can be promoted for developing future rehabilitation by giving proper training in athletes to reduce chance of injuries especially in female athletes. There-for the purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between BMI and hip muscle strength in young female athletes.
Materials and Methods: study was conducted among college level female athletes from different colleges of Mangalore, Karnataka, India. 20 college level female athletes between 18-25 years with free from injury and involved at least 2 hrs. per week training session were included in this study. Athletes were excluded if participant had an acute injury during previous six months, had musculoskeletal surgery within the past year.
Results: The total number of 20 young female athletes aged between 18- 25 were included in this study. Detailed results enumerated in detail in the results section.
Discussion and Conclusion: There was no relationship between BMI and hip muscle strength. Identifying the relationship between BMI and hip muscle strength may help to prevent lower extremity injury risk in female athletes and specific muscle group training can be given as rehabilitation protocol.
KEY WORDS: BMI, Hip Muscle Strength, Female Athletes, Lower Extremity Injury.
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