Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 8; Issue 5 (October 2020)
Page No.: 3609-3619
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2020.161
R. Vinodh Rajkumar.
Physiotherapist & Anthropologist, Director – Prabhanjeet Fitness Research Institute OPC Private Limited, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Address for Correspondence: R. Vinodh Rajkumar, Physiotherapist & Anthropologist, Director – Prabhanjeet Fitness Research Institute OPC Private Limited, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. E-Mail: dreamofkalam@rediffmail.com
Breathing orchestrates the homeostatic harmony. Well-balanced breathing pattern is a life-stabilizing and life-propelling force. Adequate amount of oxygen intake mediates metabolism and brings meaning to life through coordinated activities of the anatomical and physiological marvels of the body. Though the body is equipped to withstand anaerobic conditions but it is only for restricted period of time based on the intensity of the physical activity, after which the oxygen must be replenished rapidly in extra quantities ‘Oxygen debt’ through increased rate of ventilation till the regulatory mechanisms of respiration restore the baseline breathing process. Oxygen intake is not the only role of lungs but to stringently defend against foreign organisms and eliminate CO2 also, including humidification of inhaled air. Thus, inherently lungs are unquestionably capable of protecting themselves and the whole body. Still, human errors could destroy the functions of lungs leading to excruciating morbidities. Some of these morbidities are even able to transform into exceedingly risky communicable diseases, therefore an infectious disease originating from just one individual might have potency to transmit across the globe. After the arrival of COVID-19, the entire world exhaustively struggles to understand the ways to protect the lungs or restore the functions of lungs to save people, obviously without knowing the status of respiratory fitness of every individual. Health of the lungs is controlled by several variables but all of them are inter-dependent to determine one common goal “rate and rhythm of breathing”. This article aims to inculcate the practice of working in the direction of attaining and maintaining healthy respiratory cycles to prevent or cure the diseases.
Key words: Respiratory rate, Rhythm of breathing, Diseases of lung, Lung capacity, Chest expansion, Abnormal breathing pattern, Diaphragmatic breathing, Regulation of respiration.
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