Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 7; Issue 5 (October 2019)
Page No.: 3268-3273
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2019.184
Musabiha Thaseen *. Z, Keshav Tantry. S.
Senior consultant Physiotherapists and ergonomists, Revive physiotherapy & fitness centre, Anna Nagar East, Chennai, India.
Corresponding Author: Ms. Musabiha Thaseen, Senior consultant Physiotherapist and ergonomist, Revive physiotherapy & fitness centre, Anna Nagar East, Chennai, India. E-Mail: thaseenphysio@gmail.com
Background: Human body is engineered to move and designed in a way to benefit the wellbeing of mankind. Musculoskeletal disorders represents one of the most common and important occupational problem in the working population which includes the teaching profession. This study aims to identify the occupational overuse disorders prevalent amongst school teachers in Chennai.
Methods: A survey study was conducted among the school teachers in Chennai using a self administered questionnaire which was distributed among 500 teachers and collected over a period of two months between January and February 2019. The questionnaire included their working lifestyles, pain assessment, medical conditions and demographical data. Data was analyzed using SPSS software.
Results: A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed among the teaching faculty, from whom 330 were returned, yielding a response rate of 66%. Exclusion of about 4 % results in a response rate of 62%. The results using SPSS software method revealed that female population of teachers was more affected by moderate pain musculoskeletal disorder compared to the male teachers.
Conclusion: In conclusion, this study showed that occupational overuse disorder is reasonably common among teachers in Chennai, particularly those of lower back, neck and ankle pain. Epidemiological data on work related musculoskeletal disorders in Chennai teachers are limited. Remedial measures such as emphasis on pain prevention, ergonomics and regular physical exercises will reduce the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders.
Key words: Musculoskeletal disorders, school teachers, Body mass index, Pain region, Chennai.
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