Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 7; Issue 4 (August 2019)
Page No.: 3150-3156
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2019.149
Hayy Y Patni *.
Consultant Physiotherapist, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Address for correspondence: Dr. Hayy Y Patni, 5/85, Artist Village, Sector 8, Cbd Belapur, Navi Mumbai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. E-Mail: hayy.patni@gmail.com
Background: Most hemiplegic patients who suffer from stroke experience restrictions on mobility at home and in the community, and they especially have difficulty with independent walking. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) is one approach commonly used to improve the gait of patients with hemiplegia. Various PNF procedures have been used, depending on the affected site. Among these PNF techniques is facilitation of pelvic motion to improve control of the pelvis.Hence the study was done to compare the effects of pelvic PNF exercises and Hip extensor strengthening exercises on gait parameters of chronic hemiplegic patients.
Materials and Methods: 30 subjects were conveniently divided into either of the two groups namely Pelvic PNF Group (Group A) and Hip extensor strengthening Group (Group B). Subjects in Group A received a protocol of 3 PNF techniques for 3 days a week for a total duration of 4 weeks (12 sessions). These procedures were done to facilitate anterior elevation and posterior depression of pelvis in a side lying position. Subjects in Group B received a protocol for hip extensor strengthening exercise (HESE) program. Each session consisted of 3 sets of 15 performances of the 3-step program lasting about 30 min, with 30 seconds of relaxation time between the sets. The measurements of the variables i.e. Gait speed, Cadence, Stride Length, Step Length was taken twice, one at the beginning of the study (Pre) and one at the conclusion of the 4 week duration (Post).The pre post measurements of outcome measures were analysed.
Results: Following 4 weeks of Pelvic PNF exercises and Hip extensor strengthening exercises, there was a statistically significant increase in Gait parameters in all domains. However the increase was statistically more significant in the experimental group (Pelvic PNF) as compared to the control group (HESE).
Conclusion: Pelvic Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation technique is more effective than Hip extensor strengthening exercises in improving gait parameters such as stride length, gait velocity and cadence in chronic hemiplegic patients.
KEY WORDS: Pelvic PNF, Hip Extensor Strengthening Exercises, Hemiplegia, Gait Parameters.
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