Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 7; Issue 1 (February 2019)
Page No.: 2970-2975
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2018.195
Krupa Patel *1, Nilashri Naik 2.
1 M.P.Th, Assistant professor, P.P. Savani College of Physiotherapy, Kosamba, Surat, Gujarat, India.
*2 M.P.Th, Assistant professor, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam College of Physiotherapy College, PIMSDU, Loni, Maharashtra, India.
Address for correspondence: Dr. Krupa Patel, M.P.Th, Assistant professor, P.P. Savani College of Physiotherapy, Kosamba, Surat, Gujarat, India. E-Mail: krupsy26.patel@gmail.com
Background: We aimed in this study to compare functional balance using berg balance scale amongst three groups namely elderly without diabetes, elderly with diabetes and elderly with diabetic polyneuropathy. There were total 108 patients included in the study.
Purpose: The main objective of the study was to compare functional balance by using berg balance scale among the three groups namely elderly without diabetes, elderly with diabetes and elderly with diabetic polyneuropathy.
Methodology: A total of 108 patients were taken for the study, were divided into three groups namely:
Group A- Elderly without diabetes,
Group B- Elderly with diabetes and
Group C- Elderly with diabetic polyneuropathy.
Berg balance scale was administered in the above mentioned three groups.
Results: The mean of age, gender and duration since diabetes was calculated in all groups. Berg balance scale scores were calculated and in that high fall risk there were 20(55.56%) participants in elderly with diabetic polyneuropathy. In medium fall risk there was 1(2.78%) participant in elderly with diabetes and 16(44.44%) participants in elderly with diabetic polyneuropathy. While in low fall risk there were 36 (100%) participants in normal elderly, 35(97.22%) participants in elderly with diabetes and 0(0%) in elderly with diabetic polyneuropathy. One way Anova was done and all the three groups were having significant difference in their BBS scores.
Conclusion: this study concluded that elderly with diabetic polyneuropathy were at high risk of fall than the other two groups; however elderly with diabetics were also at low risk of fall compared to elderly without diabetes though the result was not significant.
KEY WORDS: Diabetes mellitus, Berg balance scale, Diabetic polyneuropathy, Elderly population.
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