Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 7; Issue 1 (February 2019)
Page No.: 2958-2962
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2018.181
Manali Akre 1, Parag Kulkarni *2.
1 Assistant Professor, DPO’s Nett College Of Physiotherapy, Thane. 1, kolshet road, Dhokali, Thane west, Mumbai, India.
*2 Associate Professor, DPO’s Nett College Of Physiotherapy, Thane. 1, kolshet road, Dhokali, Thane west, Mumbai, India.
Address for Correspondence: Dr. Parag Kulkarni, Associate Professor, DPO’s Nett College Of Physiotherapy, Thane. 1, kolshet road, Dhokali, Thane west, Mumbai, India. E-Mail: manaliakre92@gmail.com
Background: Balance is a combination of automatic reactions of the body combined with external environmental factors. Balance can be sharpened by adding physical and mental training routines as a part of sports rehabilitation. It is as much a leant skill as it is innate function of the body. Even though the contact sports like football require more of dynamic balance training it is essential for them to have the static balance skills for a penalty strike or during shoot out. It is in these situations that the static balance is maximally challenged. While in the case of gymnastic players their static balance is challenged during maintaining certain postures or while landing. It is widely believed that gymnastic players are more flexible and adapt to automatic situations however football players are equally required static balance skills. This study was an attempt to compare their respective balance skills.
Aim: To compare a static balance of male football & gymnastic players by using balance error scoring system.
Objectives: To assess and compare static balance in gymnastics and football players.
Materials and Methods: Clinical trial. All the subjects were selected by snowball sampling method.
Results: The result of this study by paired t-test showed that the static balance has significant difference between football and gymnastics players (P= <0.00001) showed a significant difference.
Conclusion: The above study concludes that football players displayed inferior static balance compared with gymnastics players by using balance error scoring system.
KEY WORDS: Balance error scoring system, Football, Gymnastics, static balance.
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