Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 6; Issue 4 (August 2018)
Page No.: 2813-2822
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2018.156
Kanika D. Muniyar 1, Shrikant B. Darade 2.
1 Nanded Physiotherapy College & Research Center, Nanded, Maharashtra, India.
2 Assistant Professor, Nanded Physiotherapy College & Research Center, Nanded, Maharashtra, India.
Author Address: Kanika Muniyar, Nanded Physiotherapy College & Research Center, Nanded, Maharashtra – 431606. E-Mail: kanumuniyar@gmail.com
Background: Post-stroke is a major heath disorder which is the commonest cause of disability worldwide. There is multi directional impairment of group of muscles. Balance & postural control is an important functional outcome & also an early predictor for functional activities of daily living after stroke. Early treatment focusing on the aspects of disabilities is needed. Swiss ball training & conventional physiotherapeutic interventions are superior methods to improve the agility of weaken core- muscles by increasing their demand & trunk balance on individuals.
Methodology: A total of 40 subject were selected from the age group between 45 and 65 and the study group was formed by using convenient sampling technique. Pre –evaluation was done on the basis of Berg Balance Scale(BBS) & Time up and go test (TUG). The Intervention used was Swiss ball training program with conventional physiotherapeutic techniques for a time –period of 45min to 1 hour. Treatment session was done 2-3 times per day & 3-5 times per week. Then a post-evaluation was done to conclude the results from data obtained.
Results: By using Graph Pad version3.0, the considered p value for BBS & TUG was > 0.05 where they obtained value was p < 0.0001, which is statistically significant.
Conclusion: Effect of Swiss ball training & conventional physiotherapy was effective to improve balance & mobility and also showed a better quality of life in post stroke patients.
Key words: Balance, mobility, stroke, BBS, TUG, Swiss ball, conventional physiotherapy.
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