Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 6; Issue 1 (February 2018)
Page No.: 2613-2618
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2017.264
Khaled Z. Fouda *1, Waleed T. Mansour 2.
*1 Lecturer of Physical Therapy, Basic Science for Physical Therapy Department, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Egypt.
2 Professor of Physical Therapy for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Egypt.
Corresponding Author: Dr. Khaled Z. Fouda (PhD, PT); 7 Ahmed El Zayat Street, Bein El Sarayat, Giza 12612, Egypt.
E-Mail: kzfouda2004@yahoo.com
Background and purpose: Spasticity in the hands and a wrist is a major problem in the management of stroke patients. Different energy levels of shock wave therapy (SWT) have been used for treatment of spasticity. So, the purpose of the study was to compare the effect of two different energy levels of radial SWT on spastic muscles of the hand and wrist in patients affected by stroke.
Materials and Methods: Patients randomly assigned into two groups. Group A received the low energy radial SWT while group B received the medium energy radial SWT. Spasticity of wrist and fingers was evaluated using Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS), range of motion (ROM) of the wrist was evaluated using digital goniometer and pain was measured by Visual Analogue Scale (VAS).
Results: there was a significant decrease in MAS scores of the wrist flexors and fingers flexors muscles post treatment for both groups (P<0.05). The ROM was significantly increased post treatment from (48.46±2.09) to (70.02±3.23) for group A and from (49.15±1.95) to (79.13±3.42) for group B. Also VAS scores was a significantly decreased in both groups post treatment.
Conclusion: Radial SWT is an effective therapeutic tool in reducing flexor spasticity of the wrist and hand in patients with stroke. Moreover, the medium energy level was superior to the low energy level in regarding to the measured treatment outcomes.
Key words: Energy levels, Radial shock wave, Spasticity, Stroke.
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