
Type of Article:  Case Study

Volume 5; Issue 6 (December 2017)

Page No.: 2541-2544

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2017.245


B  Prudhvi Tejasri *1, R Arunachalam 2, Kumaresan 3, S Kiruthika 4.

1* MPT 2nd yr , Saveetha College Of Physiotherapy, Saveetha University, Chennai, India.

2 Associate Professor, Saveetha College Of Physiotherapy, Saveetha University, Chennai, India.

3 Assistant Professor, Saveetha College Of Physiotherapy, Saveetha University, Chennai, India.

4 MPT(neuro), Tutor, Saveetha College Of Physiotherapy, Saveetha University, Chennai, India.

Corresponding Author:  B . Prudhvi Tejasri,  MPT 2nd yr , Saveetha College Of Physiotherapy, Saveetha University, Chennai, India. Mobile no.: +917550116979 E-Mail: tejasri512@gmail.com


A rare disorder in post stroke patients is “Dejerine Roussy syndrome” or ” Thalamic pain syndrome ” that is broadly defined as the stroke causing damage to the thalamus. Most commonly affects one hemisphere of brain and leads to lack of sensation on contra lateral side of the body . Thalamic pain syndrome has eponyms as” Central Post Pain Syndrome , Thalamic Hypersthetic Anaesthesia, Central Pain Syndrome” . It was found in 1906 and entitled as “De Syndrome Thalami Qui”. Thalamic pain syndrome is characterized by numbness on the affected side which is replaced by burning & tingling sensations. These are accompanied by abnormal sensation of touch which refers to pain . It is a form of neuropathic  pain often occur in combination of itching , burning , & tingling sensations in response to stimuli . Following is a  case of 40 yr old female presenting with wide spread of pain over half of the body  attributed to  thalamic pain syndrome . Discussion of the characteristics of neuropathic pain  and testing techniques  by using sensory examination of Fugl Meyer Assessment Scale (FMA) and Nottingham Sensory Assessment (NSA) were described in detail.

Key words: Thalamic Pain Syndrome , Desensitization, Sensory Re-Education.


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Cite this article: B Prudhvi Tejasri, R Arunachalam, Kumaresan, S Kiruthika. DESENSITISATION THERAPY IN POST STROKE PAIN SYNDROME: A CASE STUDY. Int J Physiother Res 2017;5(6):2541-2544. DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2017.245