Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 5; Issue 6 (December 2017)
Page No.: 2527-2533
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2017.243
Yasser R. Lasheen, Ghada Ismail Mohamed *.
Basic Science Department, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Egypt.
Corresponding Author: Ghada Ismail Mohamed, PhD, PT, Lecturer of Physical Therapy Basic Science Department, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Egypt. E-Mail: drdody2007@outlook.com
Background: Myofascial trigger points(MTrPs) are perceived by numerous clinicians to be one of the most prevalent cause of pain and dysfunction in musculoskeletal system.
Purpose: of this study was to examine the effect of shock wave therapy versus low level laser (LLLT) in treatment of myofascial trigger points (MTrPs) of rotator cuff muscle dysfunction. Materials and Methods: Thirty patients from both genders were randomly distributed into two groups (fifteen patients for each group). They were all diagnosed as unilateral shoulder pain and suffering from myofascial trigger points in rotator cuff muscle. The first group(A) with a mean age of 34.67(± 5.95) years subjected to LLLT( Gallium-Arsenide I.R laser of 904 nm wave length with 3J / point for 90 sec pulse) in addition to ischaemic pressure for 12 sessions, 3 session a week. While the second group(B) with a mean age of 34.07 (± 4.51) got shock wave treatment (6000shocks, 2000 shock/ session, 4 session separated by one week, energy flux density 0.38 mJ/mm2, 1.6 barand10HZ) in addition to ischemic pressure for 12 sessions, 3 sessions a week. Pre and post treatment evaluations were recorded with respect to measuring pain intensity level, pressure pain threshold of myofascial trigger points and range of motion (ROM) of shoulder flexion and abduction.
Results: Patients of both groups showed statistical significant improvement in all the measured variables. Between groups difference the shock wave group (B) showed a statistical significant improvement in decreasing pain intensity level, increasing pressure pain threshold and improving shoulder range of motion than LLLT group (A) (p value<0.05).
Conclusion: Both shock wave and LLLT had a significant effect on decreasing shoulder pain intensity level, increasing pressure pain threshold and increasing in shoulder flexion and abduction (ROM). However, the shockwave therapy was more effective than LLLT in treatment of myofascial trigger points of rotator cuff muscle dysfunction.
Key words: Low level laser, Myofascial trigger points, Rotator cuff muscle dysfunction, and Shock wave therapy.
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