Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 5; Issue 6 (November 2017)
Page No.: 2490-2500
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2017.235
Ranjeet Singha *.
HAAD Licensed. No- GT18592, VLCC International, Abu Dhabi, Khalidia, PO box-94159, United Arab Emirates.
Address for correspondence: Dr. Ranjeet Singha, PT, (MPT, Neurology, MIAP), HAAD Licensed. No- GT18592, VLCC International, Abu Dhabi, Khalidia, PO box-94159, United Arab Emirates. E-Mail: chitrakshi.singha@gmail.com
Background: Individuals who have had a stroke basic mobility such as sit to stand performance and walking speed is substantially decreased as compared to nondisabled. There are limited studies which compared various Physiotherapy treatment approaches for improving basic mobility in chronic stroke patients and also follow up to find there effectiveness( in home setting) .
Purpose: To investigate the effectiveness of Motor relearning program (MRP) for improving the basic mobility in chronic stroke patients when compared to conventional physiotherapy (PNF-Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation).
Methodology: 30 participants were allocated by a simple random sampling using lottery method into MRP (Experimental-Group A) and PNF (Control/Conventional Group B).Both groups received treatment for 30 minutes per day,3 times per week for 3 weeks. Outcome measures were recorded at pretest, post test and post 1 month follow up using Timed Up and Go Test (TUG) and Sit to stand (STS) item of Motor Assessment Scale (MAS). Study was done in respective participants home. ANOVA was used for data analysis.
Results: The MRP group showed significant improvement in Timed Up and Go(TUG) Test and Sit to stand item(STS) of Motor Assessment Scale(MAS) in post test and post 1 month follow up compared to PNF group.
Conclusion: MRP is more effective than PNF for improving basic mobility of sit to stand and walking in chronic stroke subjects and subjects were able to maintain their basic mobility at 1-month follow-up also.
Key words: Basic mobility, MRP, PNF, stroke, TUG, STS, MAS.
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