Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 5; Issue 4 (July 2017)
Page No.: 2171-2177
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2017.165
Priya D. Deshmukh *1, Rachna Arora 2.
*1 MPTh in Cardiovacular and Respiratory sciences, Physiotherapy school and centre, T.N.M.C & B. Y. L. Nair ch. Hospital, Mumbai, India.
Assistant Professor, Physiotherapy school and centre, T.N.M.C & B. Y. L. Nair ch. Hospital, Mumbai, India.
Address for Correspondence: Dr. Priya D. Deshmukh. MPTh in Cardiovacular and Respiratory sciences, Physiotherapy school and center, T.N.M.C & B. Y. L. Nair ch. Hospital, Mumbai. 400008, India. E-Mail: deshpriya89@gmail.com
Background: Numerous studies in COPD have shown that deconditioning is a major contributory factor resulting in the reduced strength and endurance. However, most of the studies have assessed upper extremity and lower extremity strength. Upper extremity and lower extremity strength and endurance exercises are the mainstay of Pulmonary rehabilitation programme. However, core muscles strength assessment and strengthening are not included in pulmonary rehabilitation programme. Hence, there is a need to assess the strength of core muscles in COPD patients.
Materials and Methods: This Cross sectional comparative observational study included 70 participants (35 COPD patients + 35 Healthy matched individuals). Patients with COPD and age, gender and BMI matched healthy individuals are recruited in study after taking their consent to participate in the study. Core muscle strength will be measured by Stabilizer’s pressure biofeedback unit, with the help of Richardson and Jull’s core muscle grading method. Wilcoxon signed rank test (non parametric test for paired sample) was used for the comparison of core muscle strength between study group and control group (Age, gender and BMI matched healthy individuals) At 95% Confidence interval, level of significance was 0.05.
Results: There was a reduction in core muscle strength in Study group as compared to the control group which was statistically not significant, (p=0.105). Odds ratio of core muscle strength, showed the risk of having reduced core muscle strength in study group (COPD) was 5.66 times greater than that of control group (Matched healthy individuals).
Conclusion: There is no statistically significant difference in the strength of the core muscles in patients with COPD as compared to the age, gender and BMI matched healthy individuals. However, odds ratio shows reduced strength of core muscle in COPD patients. It has moderate association with functional capacity and weak association with degree of obstruction and BMI in patients with COPD.
Key words: Chronic Obstructive pulmonary disease, Core muscles.
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