
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 5; Issue 3 (June 2017)

Page No.: 2113-2118

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2017.154


Hany M. I. Elgohary *1, Hadaya M. R. Eladl 1, Ibrahim E. Abdelzaher 2.

*1 Department of Physical Therapy for Surgery ,Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University,  El-Tahrir st. Dokki – Giza, P.O.Box 11432, Egypt. Tel: 00201001344332

 2 Department of Physical Therapy and Health Rehabilitation, College of Applied Medical Sciences, Aljouf University, Sakaka, P.O. 2014, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Tel: 00966590997821

Author for Correspondence: Dr. Hany M. I. Elgohary PhD PT, Department of Physical Therapy for Surgery ,Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University,  El-Tahrir st. Dokki – Giza, Giza, P.O.Box 11432, Egypt.Tel:00201001344332 E-Mail: gohary75pt@hotmail.com


Background and aim: the use of polarized light as conservative noninvasive treatment for wounds and skin diseases has been grown and spread in the medical field because of its benefits to overcome inflammatory conditions with no side effects or hazards. The aim of study was to evaluate the efficiency of polarized light in the treatment of chronic hand eczema as conservative treatment.

Subjects: Fifty participants of (28 males & 22 females)  with chronic hand eczema affecting palmar or dorsal hands enrolled randomly into two equal groups; experimental group received polarized light 6 sessions per week for 6 successive weeks and topical Calcipotriol (Daivonex) in the morning and Clobetasol (Dermovate) in the evening while control group received sham polarized light and topical Calcipotriol (Daivonex) in the morning and Clobetasol (Dermovate) in the evening for the same period of time. Intensity, extent of disease and skin thickness were measured before and after the treatment by hand eczema severity index and ultrasonography respectively.

Results: the results of this study revealed that there were significant differences between both groups of the study in favor of the experimental group regarding results after the treatment protocol.

Conclusion: polarized light has a potential effect in decreasing skin thickness, intensity and extent of chronic hand eczema after 6 weeks of treatment.

Key words: Polarized light, Chronic hand eczema, Skin thickness.


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Cite this article: Hany M. I. Elgohary, Hadaya M. R. Eladl, Ibrahim E. Abdelzaher. POLARIZED LIGHT: A CONSERVATIVE THERAPEUTIC APPROACH TO CHRONIC HAND ECZEMA. Int J Physiother Res 2017;5(3):2113-2118. DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2017.154