
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 5; Issue 2 (April 2017)

Page No.: 1966-1970

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2017.117


Sumit Raghav *, Anshika Singh.

Subharti College Of Physiotherapy, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut (U.P.), India.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Sumit Raghav, Subharti College Of Physiotherapy, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut (U.P.), India.

E-Mail: drsumitraghav@gmail.com


Introduction: Low back pain is a very common health problem associated with considerable disability and costs to society. Low back pain is becoming increasingly common. Approximately 70-90% of our population suffers from low back pain or has suffered from multiple episodes of low back pain. Pain aggravated by extension, side-flexion, rotation, standing, walking, sitting, and exercise in general, and relieved by changing in position. Many different therapeutic interventions are used in the management of low back pain. Swiss ball exercises have become an important part of the fitness regimen and widely used exercises for low back ache.

Materials and Methods: The study was of an experimental design, with 30 subjects, 13 were female, 17 were male, and all subjects were assigned according to criteria (inclusion & exclusion) and carried out at physiotherapy OPD of CSS Hospital, Meerut. Disability & pain were assessed by using the ODI & VAS score respectively while endurance of abdominal and trunk extensors muscles assessed by using DAET and DEET score. The subjects were reassessed after completion of 6 weeks of intervention. The collected data were of mean and standard deviation of ODI, VAS, DAET and DEET score and has been analyzed using SPSS software. The study was done to find out the efficacy of Swiss ball exercises in reducing pain, disability and improving endurance of muscles (abdominal and trunk) in patients with mechanical low back ache.

Results: The results showed that there were significant difference in pain, disability and muscle endurance with their VAS, ODI score (p=0.001) and DAET, DEET score respectively.

Conclusion:  Study concluded that the difference from 1st to 42nd day in VAS, ODI, DEET & DEET score which shows that swiss ball exercises are effective to decrease  pain, disability and improve muscle endurance.

Key words: MLBA (Mechanical Low Back ache), ODI (Oswestry Disability Index) VAS (Visual Analog Scale), DAET (Dynamic Abdominal Endurance Test) and DEET (Dynamic Extensors Endurance Test).


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Cite this article: Sumit Raghav, Anshika Singh. ROLE OF SWISS BALL EXERCISES IN REDUCING PAIN, DISABILITY AND IMPROVING MUSCLE ENDURANCE IN PATIENTS WITH MECHANICAL LOW BACK ACHE. Int J Physiother Res 2017;5(2):1966-1970. DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2017.117