
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 6; Issue 4.3 (December 2018)

Page No.: 5950-5953

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2018.381


Sadiq Siddiqui *1, Alok Kumar Singh 2, Abdul Rehman Khan 3.

*1 Assistant professor, Department of Anatomy, Rajshree medical research institute, Bareilly (UP), India.

2 Assistant professor, Department of Anatomy, Government medical college, Jalaun (UP), India.

3 Assistant professor, Department of ENT, Rajshree medical research institute, Bareilly (UP), India.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Sadiq Siddiqui, Assistant professor, Department of anatomy, Rajshree medical research institute, Bareilly (UP), India.

E-Mail: drsadiqsiddiqui@gmail.com


Background: Mandibular foramen (MF), present on the medial surface of ramus of the mandible, leads to the mandibular canal through which inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) and vessels transmit. IAN block is a common anaesthetic procedure before dental and reconstructive surgeries. Surgeons usually do IAN block in their clinics and encounter failure of block because of variable position of MF.

Objective: The present study was carried out to find the most common position of MF in north Indian population.

Materials and Methods: Study was done on 50 dry adult human mandibles of unknown sex and age of north Indian origin. Height was measured from the angle of the mandible to the highest point on condyloid process. Mid point of the line joining these points was noted. The position of MF was observed in relation to pre noted mid point.

Results: MF was placed below the level of mid point in 40 mandibles (80%).

Conclusion: The knowledge of most common position of MF will help the surgeons to reduce the chance of unsuccessful IAN block.

KEY WORDS: Inferior Alveolar Nerve block, Mandibular Foramen, ramus of mandible.


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Cite this article: Sadiq Siddiqui, Alok Kumar Singh, Abdul Rehman Khan. A STUDY OF MANDIBULAR FORAMEN IN NORTH INDIAN POPULATION. Int J Anat Res 2018;6(4.3):5950-5953. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2018.381