
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 5; Issue 2.1 (April 2017)

Page No.: 3713-3717

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2017.155


G.C.Poornima *1, Dakshayini K.R 2.

*1 Professor, Department of Anatomy, Mysore Medical College and Research Institute, Mysore, Karnataka, India.

2 Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Mysore Medical College and Research Institute, Mysore, Karnataka, India.

Corresponding Author: Dr G.C.Poornima, Professor, Department of Anatomy, Mysore Medical College and Research Institute, Mysore, Karnataka, India. Mobile: 9972515908 E-Mail: poornagc2009@gmail.com


Background: The knowledge of size, external and internal measurements of larynx is essential for diagnosis, treatment of laryngeal disorders. As hands-on experience in training is emphasised in Medical Education in all departments of Medicine and Surgery, it is important to have knowledge regarding laryngeal diameters in relation to right selection of operational tools, sizes techniques, preoperative training and designing of virtual and plastic models for training purposes.

Aim: The aim of the study was to document detailed morphometry of adult human larynx to aid in medical and surgical interventions of the larynx.

Materials and Methods: Fifty post-mortem specimens of adult human larynx were used for the study. The specimens were acquired by routine dissection. Measurements were taken using Digital Vernier caliper, scale, measuring tape. The data obtained was analysed using Microsoft Excel 2016. For each parameter-Mean, Range and SD was calculated. Z test was applied to know the significance of two means.

Results: Height of larynx-from floor of thyroid notch to Lower border of Cricoid cartilage, from upper border of Hyoid bone to lower border of Cricoid cartilage and  from tip of Epiglottis to lower margin of Cricoid cartilage was 33.51±3.6mm, 50.43±6.77mm and 60.17±8.12mm respectively. Total height of Laryngeal cavity was 62.31±11.18mm. Bilateral symmetry was noted in both the Vocal and vestibular folds. The height of Vestibule 33.45±6.37mm, and was more than the Infraglottic height which was 24.21±3.5mm.

Conclusion: The wide individual dimension variation is useful in laryngeal microsurgery, laryngoscope, to know the sizes of operational tools, hands-on training for learners and design the tools for virtual and plastic models.

Key words: Laryngeal cavity, Morphology, Vocal folds, Vestibular folds.


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Cite this article: G.C.Poornima, Dakshayini K.R. A STUDY OF MORPHOMETRY OF ADULT HUMAN LARYNX AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN CLINICAL APPLICATIONS. Int J Anat Res 2017;5(2.1):3713-3717. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2017.155