Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 11; Issue 1 (March 2023)
Page No.: 8587-8592
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2023.105
A Multipurpose Cadaveric Prosection for Anatomy Education
Shannon Knutson, Rosemary B. Bassey *.
Department of Science Education, Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/ Northwell, Hempstead, NY 11549, U.S.A.
Corresponding Author: Rosemary B. Bassey, Ph.D, Department of Science Education, Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine, at Hofstra/ Northwell, Hempstead, NY 11549, U.S.A. E-mail: Rosemary.bassey@hofstra.edu
The use of dissections had been the core approach to anatomy education for undergraduate medical and allied health sciences for centuries. However, the move towards integration of basic and clinical sciences has resulted in the decline of gross anatomy as a separate subject in many medical schools in the United States. This has led to the creative use of various technological tools in instruction, but the benefits of cadavers in comprehending the complexities of the human structure cannot be overlooked. Moreover, with the use of prosections becoming a popular alternative, systematic techniques for prosection are needed to maximize their efficient utilization. Here, we present a detailed technique for preparation of a multipurpose cadaveric prosection with conserved anatomical relationships for use in demonstrating surface and gross anatomy.
Key words: Dissection, Prosection, Gross anatomy, Integrated curriculum, Medical education.
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