
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 11; Issue 2 (June2023)

Page No.: 8593-8599

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2023.101

Histological Features of Different Organs Before and After Treatment of Diabetes by Using Avocado Extract in Rats

Ali A. Tala’a *1, Rafid Khalid Ali 2, Lubna Dhari Mohammed 3 Reyam Abdul Khuder Mohammed 4.

*1 University of Fallujah, College of Veterinary Medicine, Baghdad, Iraq. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1035-4051 

2 University of Fallujah, College of Veterinary Medicine, Baghdad, Iraq. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8023-4186

3 Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3628-6680

4 Al-Mustaqbal University College, Hilla, Iraq. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8545-5706

Corresponding Author: Ali A. Tala’a, University of Fallujah, College of Veterinary Medicine, Baghdad, Iraq. E-Mail: alialrawi@uofallujah.edu.iq


Aim of the study: The present study aimed to study the histological features of different organs before and after the treatment of diabetes by using avocado extract in rats.

Materials and methods: Hot aqueous extraction of avocado was performed. Forty male rats (weighted 140–190g) were used in this study. Following the time of acclimatization, the animals had an overnight fast of 18 hours before being prepped for alloxan monohydrate-induced diabetes. Before and after induction, measurements of the animals’ body weights and blood glucose levels were made. However, rats received an IP injection of alloxan 150 mg/kg bw. Following that, the rats’ blood glucose levels were tracked every day for 3 weeks to establish stable levels of blood glucose. The animals were divided into 4 groups: Group 1 got water as a non-induced (negative control) condition. Alloxan-induced rats in Group 2 received water as a positive control. Group 3: Alloxan-induced and aqueous extract-treated animals and Group 4 was only given a 40 g/L dose of the aqueous extract of avocado. Pancreas, livers, as well as kidneys from control, alloxanized, and treated rats were taken at different times, processed, and utilized for histological examination after being preserved in 10% formaldehyde till processing and staining.

Results: The current results showed a significant difference between different groups especially in G3 at different weeks. However, rats in G2 exhibited depleted islet cells and regions of cell necrosis. The tiny, preserved islet cells (PIL) in diabetic rats treated with extract after 1 week (G3) were an improvement as compared with rats at G2. As the days advanced, more improvements were seen in the pancreatic architecture of the rats treated with extract, including the presence of more noticeable islet cells and exocrine cells. As seen by the intact pancreatic islet in G3, caused the healing of the pancreatic tissue after 3 weeks of treatment by extracts. Alloxanized rats (G2) showed the presence of cell necrosis as well as infiltrations of inflammatory cells. However, as the course of therapy continued, it became clear that the tissue architecture had improved, and more glomeruli were seen as well as fewer inflammatory cells (G3). Livers of rats in (G2) showed visible cell necrosis, when compared to the histology of G1 and G4. After receiving medication, rats in group G3 had compact, healthy liver tissues after three weeks.

In conclusion, the pancreas, kidneys, and liver were all protected by the avocado extract and showed enhancement in the histological architecture and glucose levels.

Keywords: Diabetes, Avocado, Histology, Rats.


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Cite this article: Ali A. Tala’a, Rafid Khalid Ali, Lubna Dhari Mohammed, Reyam Abdul Khuder Mohammed. Histological Features of Different Organs Before and After Treatment of Diabetes by Using Avocado Extract in Rats. Int J Anat Res 2023;11(2):8594-8599. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2023.101