Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 10; Issue 1 (March 2022)
Page No.: 8301-8311
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2021.213
Introduction of SDL in Department of Anatomy: Evaluation of Learning and SDL Readiness
Kanika Sachdeva *1, Anupama Mahajan 2.
*1 Professor Anatomy, SGRDIMSAR, Amritsar, Amritsar, Punjab, India. https://orcid.org/0000-0001- 7516-6572
2 Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy, SGRDIMSAR, Amritsar, Punjab, India.
Corresponding Author: Dr Kanika Sahdeva, Professor, Department of Anatomy, SGRDIMSR Amritsar, 143501, Punjab, India. E-Mail: kanikadr.sarang@yahoo.com
Background: Self-directed learning (SDL) is a process in which individuals assume the responsibility of identifying their learning needs, setting goals, locating sources, developing and implementing proper strategies, and evaluating the outcomes of learning both individually and collectively. The advantages of SDL include, but not limited to, gaining more autonomy in learning, having higher motivation for it, acquiring lifelong learning skills, and developing greater self-control, self-confidence, and self-management. SDL has become popular in medical curricula and has been advocated as an effective learning strategy for medical students to develop competence in knowledge acquisition.
Aim and Objectives: To introduce self directed learning in the Department of Anatomy, to encourage faculty members to accept SDL as a Teaching Learning method and encouraging students to develop an attitude of self directed learning & to become lifelong learners.
Methodology: After proper sensitization of the faculty & students regarding SDL, two sessions were conducted during the Anatomy Dissection Hall timings of the First Year students. The performance of the students, in the SDL topics was assessed using the MCQ & SAQ tests. Feedback regarding the SDL methodology was taken both from the students as well as the faculty. Also the Questionnaires were given to students applying Fischer’s Self Directed Learning Readiness Scale (SDLRS) & Jefferson Scale of Life Long learning –Health Profession Version (JeffSLL-HSP) & the results were statistically analyzed.
Results: A total of 126 MBBS students of the first semester participated in SDL session. Most students scored more than mean score in the tests after SDL sessions and there was a fourfold increase in the number of students scoring more than 80% in the two SDL tests. Also participating students showed high readiness towards SDL and were oriented to become Life Long Learners.
Conclusions: SDL can be effectively implemented in the Department of Anatomy and it motivates students to become life long learners.
KEY WORDS: Self-directed learning (SDL), Teaching Learning method. Life long learners, MCQ, SEQ, Fischer’s Self Directed Learning Readiness Scale (SDLRS).
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