Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 10; Issue 1 (March 2022)
Page No.: 8297-8300
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2021.212
Cross-Sectional Study of Placental Surface Area and Umbilical Cord Attachment on Placenta in Normal and PIH Pregnancy and Its Effects on Foetal Weight
Jayashree. N. Hiremath 1, Ramesh P *2.
1 Assistant professor, Department of Anatomy, The Oxford medical college, Hospital and Research centre, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3173-8473
*2 Assistant professor, Department of Anatomy, Sri Siddhartha medical college and Hospital, Tumakuru, Karnataka, India. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7400-7868
Corresponding Author: Dr Ramesh P, Assistant professor, Department of Anatomy, Sri Siddhartha medical college, Tumakuru, Karnataka, India. PIN-572107 E-Mail: drramesh.jasmine@gmail.com
Introduction: Pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) is one of the risk factor in pregnancy leading to placental insufficiency which in turn is responsible for maternal and foetal morbidity and mortality. PIH causes morphological changes in placenta. Decreased placental surface area and variation in the attachment of umbilical cord on placenta are more commonly noted in PIH which hampers the uteroplacental perfusion resulting in foetal mortality and morbidity. Hence afforts were made to study the incidence of reduced placental surface area and mode of cord attachment on placenta.
Materials and methods: The study was conducted in the Department of Anatomy, Sri Siddhartha medical college and Hospital, Tumakuru, Karnataka. A total of 100 (50 normal and 50 PIH) human placentae were studied. Placental surface area and mode of attachment of umbilical cord in normal and PIH pregnancy were measured and noted. This study was analysed statistically by using Unpaired t-test and Chi-square test.
Results: The study revealed significantly decrease in placental surface area and also there is increased incidence of central and marginal attachment of umbilical cord in PIH cases.
Conclusion: Study reveals, PIH cause morphological changes in placenta, it decreasing the uteroplacental blood flow which reduces foetal nutrition ultimately decreasing the neonatal weight.
Key words: PIH, uteroplacental blood flow, neonatal weight, placental surface area and Umbilical cord.
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