Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 9; Issue 4 (December 2021)
Page No.: 8109-8115
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2021.164
Mental foramen of Human Mandible: Morphometric Study
Ndiaye M R *1, Mar N B 2, Yacouba Garba K 3, Ndoye J M N 4.
*1 Senegalese Armed Forces Health Service, Avenue des Jaambars Camp Dial DIOP BP 4042 Dakar, SENEGAL.
2 Anatomy Laboratory Iba Der THIAM University of THIES, Cité Malick SY, N2 BP: A967 Thiès, SENEGAL.
3 Anatomy Laboratory Assane SECK University of ZIGUINCHOR, Diabir, BP 523 Ziguinchor, SENEGAL.
4 Anatomy and Organogenesis Laboratory Cheikh Anta DIOP University of Dakar, Faculté de Médecine UCAD, Fann BP 5005 Dakar, SENEGAL.
Corresponding author: NDIAYE Mame Rouba, Senegalese Armed Forces Health Service, Avenue des Jaambars Camp Dial DIOP BP 4042 Dakar, SENEGAL. E-Mail: ndiayemamerouba@gmail.com
Aim: The aim of our study was to perform a morphometric analysis of the mental foramen in senegalese context.
Material and method: The study was performed on thirty-nine dry mandibles of adult humans. On these mandibles, the number of mental foramen present and their shape were noted on inspection. The situation of the foramen in relation to the lower teeth was studied according to a methodology already described. The following measurements were made: the distance between the foramen and the other landmarks of the mandible (symphysis, basilar border, posterior border), vertical and horizontal diameters.
Results: The number of mental foramina were 39 on the right and 40 on the left: one mandible presented a double foramen on the left. The oval shape was predominant. The most frequent situation was below the second premolar on both sides. The mean distance between the foramen and the mandibular symphysis was 25mm on both sides. The distance between the foramen and the basilar border of the mandible was on average 13mm on the right and 14mm on the left. The distance between the foramen and the posterior border of the mandible was on average 72mm on the right and 73mm on the left. The average vertical diameter was 33mm on the right and 32mm on the left, and the average horizontal diameter was 4mm on both sides.
Conclusion: Mental foramen is a constant anatomical structure, found on all the mandibles studied. The results can be superimposed on those described in the majority of studies carried out on the mental foramen.
Key words: Mental Foramen, Mandible Anatomy, Morphometry.
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