Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 9; Issue 1.3 (March 2021)
Page No.: 7905-7911
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2021.107
Morphology and morphometric study of occipital condyles
Asra Anjum *1, Gayathri Pandurangam 2, Supriya Garapati 3, Naveen Bandarupalli 4, Hajera Rabbani 5, Divya P 6.
*1 Tutor, Department of Anatomy, Mamata Academy of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, Telangana State, India.
2 Assistant Professor, Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal Univeristy, College of Applied Medical Sciences in Jubail, Respiratory Care Department.
3 Professor, Department of Anatomy, Mamata Academy of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, Telangana State, India.
4 Professor, Department of Anatomy, Mamata Academy of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, Telangana State, India.
5 Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Mamata Academy of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, Telangana State, India
6 Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Mamata Academy of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, Telangana State, India.
Corresponding Author: Mrs Asra Anjum, Tutor, Department of Anatomy, Mamata Academy of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, Telangana State, India.E-Mail: asra.anjum1217@gmail.com
Introduction: The occipital condyles are undersurface protruberances of the occipital bone in vertebrates, which articulate with the superior facets of the atlas vertebra. The condyles are oval or reniform in shape, and their anterior extremities directed forward and medially and are closer together than the posterior end.
Aim: The aim of the study is to provide important anatomical parameters for lateral transcondylar approach.
Materials and Methods: 200 occipital condyles in 100 dry human skulls ( 73 males and 27 females) were studied. The measured parameters included length, width, height, shape, anterior and posterior intercondylar distance, distance between basion and opesthion, distance from anterior tip of the condyle to the basion and opestion and distance from posterior tip to the basion and opesthion. Measurements were made using Vernier Callipers.
Results: The mean length, width and height of the occipital condyles in males is greater than females. The anterior intercondylar distance is more in females whereas posterior intercondylar distance is more in males. The mean distance from basion to opesthion / anteroposteriordiamerer of foramen magnum is more in males than in females. The mean distance between the anterior tip of occipital condyles to basion is more in females than in males on both the sides.
Conclusion: The knowledge of condylar anatomy helps the surgeon in making important decisions regarding extent and direction of condylar drilling and minimizing injury and retraction of neural structures.
Key Words: Occipital Condyles, Foramen Magnum, Intercondylar distance, Basion, Opesthion.
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