Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 9; Issue 1.3 (March 2021)
Page No.: 7896-7900
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2021.102
Anatomical Studies of Axis (C2) in Ox and its Comparison with the Similar Bone in Horse, Dog, Sheep and Goat
Kajal Rai *, Rachna Soan, Balwant Meshram, Gajendra Singh, Nishant Parmar.
Department of Veterinary Anatomy and Histology, College of Veterinary and Animal Science, Navania, Udaipur-313601, Rajasthan, India.
Corresponding Author: Dr. Kajal Rai, Department of Veterinary Anatomy and Histology, College of Veterinary and Animal Science, Navania, Udaipur-313601, Rajasthan, India. E-Mail: soni.kajal2000@gmail.com
Background: The documentation of anatomical features of axis (C2) in different animals is not abundantly available on record. The observance of this C2 bone in ox made and compared it with the similar bone in different species of animals as to Horse, Dog, Sheep and Goat. The axis of ox was positioning cranially with spout like odontoid process which called as the dens. It was projected from the body. Due to its tooth like process, it was also known as vertebra dentata. The blade like supraspinous cranial process had increasing height and thickness towards its caudal progression, however, its infraspinous process was observed as the median ridge. While knowing such differential anatomical characters of axis (C2) in different species of animals as to Horse, Dog, Sheep and Goat this study is undertaken for comparison with the axis of Ox.
Aims: Present endeavour aiming to have the comparative anatomical studies of the axis (C2) bone of Ox and its comparison with the similar bone of Horse, Dog, Sheep and Goat.
Materials and Methods: Six dried samples of second cervical of Ox (Bos indicus) were collected and explored its anatomical features. The comparative anatomical studies of the similar bone were performed in different species including horse (Equus ferus), dog (Canidae canis), sheep (Ovis aries) and goat (Capra hircus).
Results: In horses, the axis had longer body than the ox. The dens was conical and narrow. The axis of dog had cylindrical longer dens. Large and heightened spine as the pendant was observed, which was terminating caudally by the tuberosity of two crests. The axis of sheep had small, blunt and convex dorsal spinous process without remarkable ventral spine. The axis of goat had thin and heighted dorsal spinous process that overlaps the adjacent cranial and caudal cervical vertebrae.
Conclusion: The findings of present studies are not only bringing the expositions of axis, the important bone of cervical region in different animals but also this is sufficiently bringing the fullest use for radiographic anatomy.
Key words: Anatomy, Axis, Epistropheus, Ox, Horse, Dog, Sheep, Goat.
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