
Type of Article:  Review

Volume 9; Issue 1.2 (February 2021)

Page No.: 7874-7880

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2020.254

Fascia and living tensegrity considerations in: lower extremity and pelvic entrapment neuropathies

John Sharkey.

Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Clinical Sciences, University of Chester/NTC, 15-16aSt Joseph’s Parade, Dorset St, DO7 FR6C, Dublin, Ireland.

Address for the correspondence: John Sharkey MSc, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Clinical Sciences, University of Chester/NTC, 15-16aSt Joseph’s Parade, Dorset St, DO7 FR6C, Dublin, Ireland. E-Mail: john.sharkey@ntc.ie


Peripheral neuropathies can have a plethora of origins including physical insults resulting from connective tissue compression and entrapment. Observational investigations, using biotensegrity focused dissections, have identified site-specific fascial structures that are hypothesised to afford integrity to neurovascular structures by providing appropriate tension and compression.  These myofascial structures act as site-specific fascia tuning pegs. While these ‘tuning pegs’ are capable of having a whole body impact, this paper will look specifically at the local influences on pelvis and lower limb. The analogy of a fascia ‘tuning peg’, similar to the tuning peg of a string instrument, is adopted to help explain this unfamiliar concept. An ‘out of tune’ fascial system would lead to hypertonic and inhibited tissues, dissonant  notes, one could say. Hypertonic tissues increase tensional forces acting within local and global networks leading to inappropriate densification of fascial structures, fibrosis and neurovascular fascial adhesions. Inhibited tissues, unable to generate sufficient force to ensure appropriate fascial integrity, lead to excessive compression on neurovascular structures like a dissonant note striking a wrong cord. Site-specific fascia tuning pegs provide appropriate frequency and note specific tension and compression ensuring combined forces operate in an omnidirectional manner resulting in pain free physiology, neurology and motion. The role of muscles in metabolism, physiology, heat production and motion is well described within the scientific literature. Less understood is the local role of myofascial structures providing mechanotransductive forces resulting in fascial expansive responses ensuring appropriate gliding and decompression of neurovascular structures. It is proposed that failure of site-specific fascia tuning pegs results in excessive compression, friction, inflammation, pathology, pain and changes in sensations.

Key Words: Biotensegrity, Fascia, Site specific fascia tuning pegs, Tensegrity, Neuropathy, Dynamic ischemia.


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Cite this article: John Sharkey. Fascia and living tensegrity considerations in: lower extremity and pelvic entrapment neuropathies. Int J Anat Res 2021;9(1.2):7881-7885. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2020.254