Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 8; Issue 4.1 (November 2020)
Page No.: 7788-7793
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2020.223
Shilpa 1, D. Saxena *2, Shabina 3.
1,3 PhD scholar, Department of Anatomy, S.M.S. Medical College & Hospital, Jaipur (Rajasthan), India.
*2 Professor, S.M.S. Medical College & Hospital, Jaipur, (Rajasthan), India.
Corresponding Author: Dr. Dhiraj Saxena, Professor, Department of Anatomy, S.M.S. medical college and hospitals, (Rajasthan), India-302004. Contact no. – 8076026920 E-Mail: shilpakayamkhani@gmail.com
Background: Cystic artery variations are frequent and important for invasive as well as invasive procedure around the hepatibiliary area. Variation can be in term of origin, course and termination of CA.
Aim: Aim was to identify new type of Cystic arterial variation in term of origin, no. of CA, and termination and surgical implications of these variations.
Materials and methods: Study was carried out at department of anatomy, S.M.S Medical college and hospitals Jaipur (Raj). Total 60 cadaver were included in the study. Ethical clearance was taken for the same. Subjects with history of abdominal surgery around Hepatobiliary area were excluded.
Result: Source of origin of SCA was RHA (majority of cases), Aberrant RHA, SMA, HAP. DCA was observed in 13.34% cases. Accessory CA arose from RHA, ARHA, HAP, PSPD. Compound DCA was observed in 5% cases. Longer CA was observed in the study.
Conclusion: Variation related to CA are essential to keep in mind while dealing with Hepatobiliary area during invasive and non invasive procedures as well.
Key wordS: Cystic, Hepatobiliary, Cystic arterial variation.
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