Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 8; Issue 3.3 (September 2020)
Page No.: 7738-7744
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2020.205
Catarine C. Matos 1, Rodrigo R. Almeida ¹, José A. Aragão ¹, Erasmo Almeida-Junior ¹, Francisco P. Reis *¹.
1 Department of Medicine, Tiradentes University, Aracaju-SE, 49032-490, Brazil.
Corresponding Author: Francisco P. Reis, Department of Medicine, Tiradentes University, Aracaju-SE, 49032-490, Brazil. E-Mail: franciscopradoreis@gmail.com
Background: The advancement of perinatal health care combined with the advancement of visual techniques that have been implemented allows surgeons and anesthesiologists to perform airway management and detect, monitor and surgically treat life-threatening tracheobronchial tree abnormalities. In this context it is very important to know the anatomy of the trachea in fetuses.
Results: The total length of trachea had significant progressive growth with the gestational age, highlighted differences the 20-24 week age group, 29-32 week age group and 33-38 week age group. Similar occurrence was found in these same groups with respect to pre-bifurcation length. Regarding to proximal transverse external diameter and distal transverse external diameter it was observed significant differences between age groups from 20 to 24 weeks, 25 to 28 weeks and 33 to 38 weeks. As the influence of gestational age and sex or both of the measures studied tracheal significant differences occurred only in relation to gestational age. This did not occur with respect to BL and number of cartilage rings.
Conclusions: It is possible that the current findings are a contribution in the child’s anatomy course and lead the clinical and surgical interest of that act, especially in intensive care units of newly born, as well as in surgery of children’s airways.
Key words: Airway, Morphometry, Gestational age, Gender.
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