
Type of Article:  Case Report

Volume 8; Issue 3.2 (August 2020)

Page No.: 7665-7668

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2020.182


C.S. Ramesh Babu *1, Vinay Sharma 2.

*1 Associate Professor of Anatomy, Muzaffarnagar Medical College, Muzaffarnagar, (U.P), India.

2 Professor of Anatomy, Muzaffarnagar Medical College, Muzaffarnagar, (U.P), India.

Corresponding Author: C.S. Ramesh Babu, M.Sc. (Anatomy), Associate Professor of Anatomy, Muzaffarnagar Medical College, Muzaffarnagar. -251203 (U.P), India. Mobile: +91-9897249202 E-Mail: csrameshb@gmail.com


Inferior epigastric artery has gained lot of attention because of its injury while performing various percutaneous anterior abdominal wall interventional procedures. An anomalous meandering loop of inferior epigastric artery extending medially in the posterior wall of inguinal canal was observed bilaterally in a male cadaver. From its origin the artery turned horizontally medially in the extraperitoneal fat and then turned upwards after forming a loop. The loop was 38.42 mm away from the midline on right side and 41.02 mm on the left side. After entering the rectus sheath the artery ran vertically along the lateral border of rectus abdominis for a short distance before passing posterior to muscle. Looped course of inferior epigastric artery in the posterior wall of inguinal canal has not been reported in literature. Catastrophic consequences can occur if a surgeon is caught unaware of an anomalous vessel during laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair.

Key Words: Deep Inferior Epigastric Artery, Inguinal canal, Variant course.


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Cite this article: C.S. Ramesh Babu, Vinay Sharma. MEANDERING LOOP OF INFERIOR EPIGASTRIC ARTERY IN INGUINAL CANAL: A CASE REPORT. Int J Anat Res 2020;8(3.2):7665-7668. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2020.182