
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 8; Issue 2.2 (May 2020)

Page No.: 7481-7485

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2020.140


L. Anbumani 1, T. N. Pavazhakkurinji *2, A. Thamaraiselvi 3.

1 Professor, Guide and Head of the Department, Department of Anatomy, Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences, Madurantakam  Taluk, Kanchipuram District, Tamil Nadu, India.

*2 2nd year postgraduate, Department of Anatomy, karpaga vinayaga Institute of Medical sciences

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy. Department of Anatomy, Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences, Madurantakam  Taluk, Kanchipuram District, Tamil Nadu, India.

Corresponding Author: Dr. T. N. Pavazhakkurinji. Second year postgraduate, Department of Anatomy, Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical sciences, Madurantakam  Taluk, Kanchipuram District, Tamil Nadu, India. E-Mail: dr.kurinji@yahoo.com


Introduction: Liver is the largest organ secondary to skin. It occupies most portion of upper abdominal space. It accounts approximately 2% to 3%of total body weight for everyone. Liver has four lobes right, left, caudate and quadrants, but based on physiological classification liver has eight segments. Liver is the vital organ without which the tissues of the body die from lack of energy and nutrients. Major and minor grooves of liver play a crucial role in hepatectomy as they are significant in localisation of the tumour.so the Anatomical evaluation and better surgical understanding of liver is essential.

Aims and objectives: The aim of the present study is to completely analyse the morphology of liver and it’s variations. Studying about appropriate position and size of variation could be utilised by radiologists, surgeons, and anatomists.

Materials and methods: Embalmed liver specimens in the Dept of anatomy KIMS is used for the study. The liver lobes were studied in detail for accessory lobes and fissure.

Results: Out of 30 liver studied, fissures were noted in 18 (60%) livers. Elongated left lobe observed in two specimens (6.6%). Pons hepatis in 5 (13.3%) liver. Netter type 2 and 4 were observed in one (3.3%) and two(6.6%) respectively. In this study various morphological variations of liver were observed. Awareness of this variation will be helpful during imaging technique and surgeries.

Key words: Liver, Abdomen, Pons hepatis, Fissures, Caudate Lobe, Quadrate Lobe.


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Cite this article: L. Anbumani, T. N. Pavazhakkurinji, A. Thamaraiselvi. MORPHOLOGICAL STUDY ON VARIATION OF EXTERNAL SURFACE OF LIVER. Int J Anat Res 2020;8(2.2):7481-7485. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2020.140