Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 8; Issue 1.2 (February 2020)
Page No.: 7338-7341
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2019.373
Dakshayani K.R 1, Uma Shivanal *2.
1 Professor & HOD, Mysore medical college & research institute, Mysuru, Karnataka, India.
*2 Assistant Professor, Mysore medical college & research institute, Mysuru, Karnataka, India.
Corresponding Author: Dr. Uma Shivanal, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Mysore medical college & research institute, Mysuru, Karnataka, India. E-Mail: umavijay15@gmail.com
Introduction: The posterior condylar canal opens at the base of the skull just behind the occipital condyles. Posterior condylar canal is the largest emissary foramen of the posterior cranial fossa. The posterior condylar vein exits the skull through the posterior condylar (or condyloid) canal, which is a communication between the jugular foramen and the condylar fossa. The present study was taken to notethe normal anatomic pattern and variations of posterior condylar canal.
Aims and objectives: To note the presence of bilateral or unilateral and absence of posterior condylar canal (foramen).
Materials and methods: The present study was performed on 50 dry adult human skulls of unknown sex collected from the department of anatomy, Mysore medical college and research institute, Mysore. Skulls were examined by direct observation for bilateral and unilateral presence or absence of posterior condylar canal.
Results: Of the 50 human dry skulls, we observed presence of bilateral posterior condylar canal (foramina) in 18 skulls, unilateral (right) in 10 skulls and unilateral (left) in 12 skulls. The absence of posterior condylar canal (foramina) in 10 skulls.
Conclusion: Anatomical variations of posterior condylar canal are important for Neurosurgeons and ENT Surgeons, which gives them a comprehensive knowledge to operate in the vicinity of occipital condylar regions.
KEYWORDS: Posterior condylar canal, fossa, emissary veins.
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