
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 7; Issue 4.2 (November 2019)

Page No.: 7113-7118

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2019.316


Elizabeth Finbarrs-Bello *1, Ignatius Ikemefuna Ozor 1, Chukwunonso Kingsley Okolie 1.

1 Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Parklane. Enugu State. Nigeria.

Correspondence Author:  Finbarrs-Bello, E. Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Parklane. Enugu State. Nigeria. E-Mail: elizabeth.finbarrs-bello@esut.edu.ng


Ethylene-glycol (EG) induced nephrolithiasis is a known model of kidney stone in experimental rodents. Nephrolithiasis is treatable with an antilithiatic and lithotriptic drug. Decoction of Crinum giganteum Andrews (CG) bulb, a medicinal herb is used in folklore medicine to manage urinary tract diseases including kidney stone. The antilithiatic effects of Crinum giganteum Andrews bulb extract was investigated using biochemical and histological parameters on ethylene-glycol nephrolithiatic rat model and compared with cystone (a known antilithiatic drug). Twenty rats were randomized into a control group (N=4) which received water (vehicle) and experimental groups (N-16) that received 1% ethylene-glycol in water and subdivided into negative control (only 1% EG in drinking water) and treatment groups which were given 200mg/kg/bw, 400mg/kg/bw of ethanolic bulb extracts of CG and 100mg/kg/bw of cystone orally for 21 days. The EG elevated urinary and serum calcium, protein and creatinine, and reduced magnesium concentrations. These were accompanied by microcrystal deposits in kidney sections. But, the ethanolic bulb extract and cystone treatments reversed the above biochemical and histopathological effects. The ethanolic bulb extract of CG exhibited comparable antilithiatic effect with cystone on ethylene-glycol-induced nephrolithiasis. Thus, the extract showed positive indication of its use in folklore medicine.

Key words: Microcrystal, calcium oxalate, Histology, Antilithiatic, Crinum giganteum, Cystone.


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Cite this article: Elizabeth Finbarrs-Bello, Ignatius Ikemefuna Ozor, Chukwunonso Kingsley Okolie. ANTILITHIATIC EFFECT OF CRINUM GIGANTEUM ANDREWS BULB EXTRACT ON ETHYLENE GLYCOL-INDUCED NEPHROLITHIATIC RAT MODEL. Int J Anat Res 2019;7(4.2):7113-7118. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2019.316