
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 7; Issue 4.2 (November 2019)

Page No.: 7056-7059

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2019.302


Shakuntala N 1, Sujatha. K *2.

*1 Professor of Anatomy, P.E.S. Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Kuppam, Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh, India.

2 Associate  Professor of Anatomy, P.E.S. Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Kuppam, Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Sujatha. K, Associate Professor, P.E.S. Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Kuppam-517425, Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh, India. E-Mail: sujathambbs@gmail.com


Introduction: Cysts in the kidneys have been described as being heterogeneous, and occur due to hereditary, developmental and acquired disorders. They account for 6-8% of diseases that go for dialysis.  Evaluating cystic diseases is important for pathological diagnosis and treatment procedures for the patient.

Objective: Present study aimed at finding the types of cysts prevalent in human cadaveric kidneys by making a histopathological observation. The study was made to review the incidence of cysts in kidneys and to find out what are the commonest types of cysts that are identified.

Material and Methods:  Thirty formalin fixed adult cadavers were used for the study. Twenty were male and ten were female cadavers used for routine dissection and teaching purposes for the first year medical students in the department of Anatomy, P.E.S Institute of Medical Sciences and Research. The kidneys were dissected out from the cadavers from both sides. The fat and fascia were removed carefully and first photographed for gross appearance, before handing the specimens to the department of pathology for further study by making sections.

Results: Cystic kidneys were seen in seven cadavers out of the thirty cadavers. The other cadavers had no cystic kidneys. The incidence of cysts has been calculated in this study as 23.3%. The normal kidneys were 76.6%. In three female cadavers unilateral cysts were seen in the right kidney. In male cadavers, one had unilateral cyst and the remaining three presented with bilateral cystic kidneys. One among the four showed multiple bilateral cysts ranging from one to forty five cysts.

Conclusion: From this study it is evident that cysts of the kidney may occur without disturbing the normal functioning of the kidneys. The incidence of multiple cysts was more in males than in females. No of cysts were more in the right than in the left kidneys. For a person to lead a normal life one fifth of the kidney is sufficient if it functions normally.

KEY WORDS: Cystic kidneys, multiple cysts, polycystic kidneys, bilateral cysts and unilateral cysts.


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Cite this article: Shakuntala N, Sujatha. K. A HISTOPATHOLOGICAL OBSERVATION MADE ON CYSTIC KIDNEYS OBTAINED FROM HUMAN CADAVERS. Int J Anat Res 2019;7(4.2):7056-7059. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2019.302