Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 7; Issue 4.1 (October 2019)
Page No.: 7010-7015
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2019.287
Jyoti Gaikawad 1, Varsha Navgire 2.
1 Associate Professor, Terna Medical College, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
*2 Assistant Professor, Terna Medical College, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Address of correspondence: Dr. Varsha Navgire, c/o Dr. Pravin Bande, Flat no.1102, Building no. 10, Clover, Everest world CHS, Dhokali Naka, Kolshet Road, Thane (W) 40607, Maharashtra, India. E-Mail: drvarshanavgire@gmail.com
Introduction: To achieve the goal of better health services, Medical Council of India (MCI) and Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS) are regularly conducting three days Basic Medical Education Technology (MET) workshop for faculty development of medical teachers. The purpose of the basic MET workshop is to provide basic knowledge, skills & attitude to all faculties in medical colleges which they can apply in day to day practice in different areas of teaching learning and assessment methods. Hence, there is a need to study the impact of faculty development program.
Aims & Objectives: The present study was done to assess practices and attitudes of the medical teachers towards basic MET workshop and to study effective professional benefits of basic MET workshop.
Materials and Methods: Total 71 faculty members who had undergone through basic MET workshop were responded to validated questionnaire.
Result: 54.9% faculty members have retained their knowledge completely about using audiovisual tools in teaching learning methods while 71.8% faculty members have retained their knowledge to large extent about domains of learning followed by preparing essay questions (67.6%) and objective structured practical examination (64.8%). 63.4% faculty members benefited completely from using audiovisual tools effectively in teaching methods while 71.8% faculty members benefited markedly from modifying large group teaching followed by domains of learning (66.2%), principles of adult learning and modifying small group teaching (64.8%).
Conclusion: The study has revealed that the impact of basic MET workshop on medical teachers is adequate. Overall retention of knowledge and effective benefit of workshop is more than average.
Key words: Faculty development, Medical Education Technology, teaching learning methods.
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