
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 7; Issue 3.3 (September 2019)

Page No.: 6939-6943

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2019.264


Swapnali Shamkuwar *1, Varsha Mokhasi 2.

*1 Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

2 Professor & HOD, Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

Correspondence Address: Dr. Swapnali Shamkuwar, A-902, Skylark Esta Apartment, Hoodi Graphite Main Road, Near Kamat Yatriniwas, Hoodi, Bangalore. 560048, Karnataka, India.

Mobile no. – 8095342774 E-Mail: drswapnalis@gmail.com


Background: Assessment is one of the most important aspect of teaching and learning process. Various assessment methods are available to assess the knowledge & skills of students. The objective of the study was to know views of the students regarding the best assessment method in anatomy.

Materials and methods: Inputs from 200 MBBS students were collected who completed first year MBBS. A questionnaire which included questions relating to various assessment techniques for theory & practical internal exams in anatomy was used to get the feedback from the students.

Results: Majority students felt that internal assessment should be conducted thrice in a year.  The assessment methods preferred by them was written test for theory in the form of SAQ & SEQ and MCQ also should be included in it. Many students felt that internal assessment should be the criteria for allowing students to appear in university examinations but disagreed to include the internal assessment marks in university examination.

Conclusion: It is important to obtain more frequent feedback from the students which will help teachers to modify the assessment methods and improve the standards of medical education.

KEY WORDS: Internal Assessment, Student, Method, Feedback, Anatomy.


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Cite this article: Swapnali Shamkuwar, Varsha Mokhasi. STUDENTS PERCEPTION ON INTERNAL ASSESSMENT IN ANATOMY. Int J Anat Res 2019;7(3.3):6939-6943. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2019.264