Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 7; Issue 2.3 (June 2019)
Page No.: 6663-6667
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2019.199
M. Chelladurai *1, J. Sujitha Jacinth 2, T. Ramamani 3, G. Subbulakshmi 4.
*1 Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Institute of Road Transport Perundurai Medical College, Perundurai, India.
2 Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Rajah Muthiah Medical College, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, India.
3 Deputy Director of Leprosy, Government Head Quarters Hospital, Erode, India.
4 Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Institute of Road Transport Perundurai Medical College, Perundurai, India.
Address for Correspondence: Dr. M. Chelladurai, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Institute of Road Transport Perundurai Medical College, Perundurai, India. E-Mail: drmchelladurai@gmail.com
Background and Aim: The spleen is the largest lymphoid organ in the human body. It is highly vascular and friable. It is affected in various clinical conditions like infections and storage functions. The aim of the study is to find out the morphological variations of spleen. The present study is undertaken to report the prevalence of variations involving weight, length, breadth, width (thickness) and the number of notches of spleen in the cadavers of South India population.
Materials and Methods: The study was done in 50 human adult cadaveric spleens of both sexes preserved in 10% formalin. The weight, length, breadth, thickness were measured and the number of notches present were noted.
Results: The weight of fifty spleens studied varied from 80- 200gm in 43(86%), 201-300gm in 6 (12%) and above 300gm in 1(2%) , the length of the spleen on the visceral surface measured from upper pole to lower pole varied from 6-9cm in 25(50%) and 10-15 cm in 25 (50%) .The breadth of the spleen varied from 2-5 cm in 16 (32%) specimen, 6-9 cm in 32 (64%) specimen and 10-13 cm in 2 (4%) specimen respectively. The width (thickness) taken at the midpoint of the spleen varied from 2-4 cm in 48 (96%) specimen and 5-6 cm in 2 (48%) specimen respectively. In the present study the number of notches varied from zero to six, but in most of the specimens there were one or two notches. However accessory spleen was not found at the hilum of the spleen.
Conclusion: The findings of the present study will be of fundamental importance to the physicians,surgeons and radiologists.It also furnishes much insights on clinical utility and significance of spleen.
KEY WORDS: Spleen, Lymphoid organ,Morphology.
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