Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 7; Issue 2.3 (June 2019)
Page No.: 6641-6647
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2019.195
P Sofia 1, V Subhadra Devi 2, T Sravani *3.
1 Assistant Professor, Department Of Anatomy, Government Medical College, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, India.
2 Professor & Head, Department Of Anatomy, SVIMS – Sri Padmavathi Medical College For Women, Tirupathi, Andhra Pradesh, India.
*3 Assistant Professor, Department Of Anatomy, Government Medical College, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Address for Correspondence: Dr. T Sravani, Assistant Professor, Department Of Anatomy, Government Medical College, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, India. E-Mail: sravani_tr@yahoo.com
Introduction: MBBS is a dream to cherish for all students. It is a course which is respected globally. Medical course is perceived as stressful by many of the undergraduates all over the world. They join the course at an early age without awareness of the details of curriculum, the approaches to be followed for theoretical understanding and acquiring practical skills and developing right attitude to be a good humane doctor.
Aims and objectives: To know the awareness of MBBS students about their knowledge of it as a profession and their attitude to know the surrounding atmosphere and approach of students while pursuing the course.
Material and methods: This is a retrospective, observational study started after taking the approval of Institutional Ethical Committee of Government Medical College,KADAPA. The material for the study consisted of volunteers from first year MBBS students of Government Medical College who gave an informed consent to express their ideas for the Questionnaire.
Results: Students gave their answers to the questionnaire voluntarily and the answers are noted in a table. Most of the people had no awareness of the MBBS degree till they entered the course and feel MBBS is tough and expressed that they want good surroundings and circumstances to study the course.
Discussion: Most of the students did not complete their teenage when they have taken the decision to join MBBS course. They had decided even during their schooling, inspired by school teachers and medical college faculty. They are interested in gamesand felt the subjects are tough and still want to study.Their concentration in classes is 75-100% and they want to read daily but are getting disturbed by various problems. They even have a dream to do super specialty and a small group want to participate in research.
Conclusion: The present study facilitates faculty in understanding the interests of students, circumstances for under performance in examination and their problems. This provides for designing a teaching method to explain the subject in an understandable way and for developing newer teaching and learning techniques.
KEY WORDS: Interests of Students, Under Performance, Teaching Method, Learning Techniques.
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